18. How to save the world

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"When someone you love betrays you. Well, that is the worst pain"

 Well, that is the worst pain"

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Freddy was sitting in the library frozen while staring at his file.

It was like he wasn't ready to open it and read everying there was writting about him.

Then he took a deep breath but as he was about to opened it, he heard explosions rumbling, causing him to look up and he notice how the building started shaking.

"Maddie" he said and put the file under his shirt before he ran out of the library.


The whole building started shaking while explosions was rumbling and glass was shattering causing everyone to walked out of their rooms.

"Yo, what the hell is going on?" Diego asked, "Are those explosions coming f..." "Vanya" Luther said, cutting Klaus off "I thought you said that you were going to let her out" Maddie said, looking at Luther "I wasn't going to do it" he said "What? You lied" Maddie said "I had to. It was the only way for you to not let her out" Luther said.

Before Maddie could say anything, the building started shaking more "We need to get to safety outside the Academy" Pogo said to them as they could hear explosions echoing.

"We need to get out of here now" Klaus said "Don't forget Mom!" Luther shouted after Klaus and Diego.

"Maddie, go, I will get Allison, you and Freddy get out of here, now" Luther said and Maddie nodded before running towards the library where Freddy was.


Everything was collapsing as Vanya was standing in the living room, her eyes have change color to white.

"Miss Vanya" a voice said causing Vanya to turn around to see Pogo "That's quite enough" Pogo said and Vanya's eyes change back to normal but she was still looking at Pogo with an angry look.

"Miss Vanya...I understand how upset you are. But I can assure you...that none of your siblings bear any responsibility for what happened to you as a child" Pogo said "Did you know?" Vanya asked "Your father discovered...that you were capable of great things. Much like your brothers and sisters. But your powers were...too great. He only wanted to protect you from yourself. As well as your siblings" Pogo said "Did...you know?" Vanya asked again and Pogo nodded "Yes, Miss Vanya. I knew" he said.

Vanya nodded before her eyes changed to white again and the whole place started shaking again.

Maddie came running down the stairs and she stopped when she saw Pogo was lifted into the air by Vanya's powers. She watched as Vanya threw him across the room right into the antlers mounted on the wall.

Maddie gasped as she saw the antlers piercing Pogo's flesh.

"NO!" she screamed which 'cause Vanya to look at her "Please, Vanya, stop this" she said as she took a step closer to Vanya "I know how you feel, but don't let the world suffer for it" Maddie said "Why didn't you let me out?" Vanya asked "I tried, but Luther wouldn't let me, he told me that he was going to let you out in a hour" Maddie said "I know how you felt when you were in there. I had also being in a room like that" tears was showed in Maddie's eyes.

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