yes sir

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i sat on the couch, watching netflix and checking my phone for the time or any texts from yoongi hyung. but nothing..

why does he never text me?..

hours had passed when i heard the door open, followed by a loud sigh.
i quickly paused my programme and rushed over to him, taking his bag and trenchcoat.

"didn't i tell you i would be home late?" he stared deep into my soul, causing my body to shake violently.


"answer the question properly." yoongi demanded, raising his eyebrows as i turned to hang up his coat and place his bag near the door.

"yes.. sir."

my boyfriend spun me around, holding the collar of my shirt and scowling, "and didnt i tell you not to wait for me?"

"yes sir."

"now go to bed." he pushed me to the side, watching as i scrambled off the floor and bowed to him.


i smirked at my power, watching him trip up the stairs.

"peace and quiet.."
walking into the kitchen, i looked for something quick to eat.

i searched throughout the entire fridge and saw chicken wings that i had left for taehyung to eat at lunch.

"ungrateful bitch.." i took them, placing them onto a plate and putting them in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
the stairs creaked loudly with a small boy creeping down them.

"what are you doing up?" i snapped.

"i forgot my charger.." he grabbed the wires from the socket near the couch and ran back upstairs.

i watched him disappear, staring at the painting on the wall. i was soon snapped out of my thoughts due to the loud microwave.
i was so hungry.. right now it was just past midnight and i hadnt eaten since lunch.

i took the chicken from the microwave and placed the plate on the coffee table. i slipped off my suit, leaving myself in only underwear. the remote for the tv, however, was nowhere to be found.
i just pulled out my phone, putting netflix on there.


the time was now 12:41 and i walked into our bedroom to find little taehyung underneath the sheets, on. his. phone.

"what do you think youre doing?! staying up this late! do you know what time it is?! give me that!" i held out my hand for his phone.
he only held it close to his body, whimpering and passing me his phone as i demanded, "now."

"you wanna know what i'll do to this? huh?" i balanced it on one finger, throwing it up into the air and catching it over and over.

"hyung, please dont do that. you might drop it on the tiles and it'll shatter.."

"come with me." taking his wrist, i dragged him out of bed and took him downstairs and into the garden.

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