phone case

993 36 1

"hyung.." i rolled over, reaching onto yoongi's side of the bed to touch his hair but no-one was there. i had assumed that yoongi left for work already so i just strolled downstairs after getting on a pair of shorts and a light shirt.

"what to eat..."


the doorbell rang. as i walked over, i noticed a piece of paper taped to the door that read:

taehyung, i've ordered a new suit so you'll probably see this when it arrives but you still have chores to do today. i'll be home late tonight so when i get back, you better be in bed - asleep. if you're not asleep, i'll confiscate your phone for a week, understand? so... your chores for today:
water the plants
make food for yourself and leave some in the fridge for when i get home.
that's all for today. also, i left $350 on my bedside so do whatever you want with it. i'm allowing you to leave the house today but cover yourself up and hide your face.
see you tonight,

by the time i had finished reading his note and opened the door, the man was gone but the box was on the doorstep. i placed the paper to the side, taking the box and closing the door with my foot. putting the box onto the dining table, i took out my phone for the time.


there was probably around seven hours until he got home, yet. however, i decided to do everything now so that i could focus on dinner later and- shopping!

i quickly ran into the backyard to water his plants. once i was finished, i dressed up in black jeans, a grey sweater and checkerboard vans, after my shower.

there were so many different stores to choose from but there was one that caught my eye.

louis vuitton.

i picked out a protective phone case as i didnt have one for my currect phone and i didnt want to break it because yoongi bought it for me.

i placed my phone inside and continued to walk through the street until a guy stopped me in my tracks, handing me a flyer

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

i placed my phone inside and continued to walk through the street until a guy stopped me in my tracks, handing me a flyer.

"hi! i just wanted to know if you would like to model for us at gucci. i really like your style and you're good looking, too." his voice was extremely low.

"umm... i-i'll call you if i choose to, sir."

"that's alright. have a nice day."

i turned around slightly before saying, "you too, sir." and walking off, towards home.

yet another person stopped me, "hi! i-i just wanted to ask f-for your number.. you're r-really c-cute.." the girl fiddled with her fingers, holding her phone out to me.

"i'm sorry, i have a boyfriend."

"that's... okay. bye!" she shuffled the opposite direction i was heading.
both of these people stopping me really boosted my confidence. i skipped along until i reached home.


i walked in through the front door to an empty house and all the lights off. taking off my coat and placing my bag on the floor, i carefully walked up the stairs and into our bedroom. taehyung was fast asleep, underneath the sheets. except his feet weren't covered so i quickly pulled the sheets down to cover his feet.

"perfect.." i stepped out the room and went to the kitchen to find $90 and a note on the table along with a big box.

i bought a phone case for my new phone. it's really pretty :) while i was out, someone asked me to model for gucci, can i?! i really want to but i decided i should ask you beforehand. i love you <3

he was really thoughtful for asking me before he said yes... i came towards the fridge, taking out what i guessed was mine and placed it in the microwave.


i crawled into bed and placed my arms around taehyung. surprisingly, he woke up and turned around to talk to me.

"hi.." he grumbled with a tired voice, barely opening his eyes.

"what case did you get?.." i whispered as he turned around to fetch his phone from the bedside, "that's pretty cute.. also, you didnt have to give the rest of that money - it was for you.."

"hyung, i dont need it. it's yours.. just take it." taehyung opened his eyes fully.

"fine. by the way, you can model for them if you really want to." i brushed my hands through his hair, his smile projecting onto my face.

"really? i'll call them tomorrow! i love you!" he kissed my lips, letting them sit there for a while until he placed our foreheads together, looking into my eyes.

"love you too. you don't need to do anything tomorrow, just get that job and wait for when i come back, hm?" my hand made its way from his face to his hip, allowing my hand to rest on his hip.

"will you be back late? what time? should i cook-"

"take the $90 from the kitchen and order something. i should be back at around... ten."

"goodnight." taehyung buried himself in my bare chest.

"goodnight." i turned over to turn my lamp off, getting back to taehyung and caressing his sides, "i love you..."

"wove 'ou too.." he muttered, half asleep already.

instagram: ffyoonseokff
word count: 903
i think i have corona-
love you! ❤

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