"There's a-another one of my f-friends inside." Eun Ha hiccuped, drunkenly pointing towards the door we'd just walked through. I frowned. What other friend was she talking about? She was the only one I'd come here with.

"There's no one inside, Eun Ha." I shook my head, staring back at the door confused. I knew in my subconscious that there had been nobody with us inside...except for the girls that were giggling about Seokjin and...oh.

I frowned, holding my head as I felt a little dizzy all of sudden. Thinking about it now, maybe there was indeed a girl who had been sitting with us on our table.

But why couldn't I remember anything about her? I was sure that I wasn't drunk and hadn't consumed anything that looked even remotely strange. But then, what was this unfamiliar humming sensation in my head?

"I'll go take a look inside." I mumbled to no one in particular as Eun Ha stumbled towards the nearest bathroom, aided by the staff that had rushed to help her. I wasn't sure why I wanted to go back inside so desperately. There was just one thought in my head and that was to...

Find a man with long hair...

The floor seemed to sway underneath my feet as I frowned, a numbingly strong current of warmth flowing through my head. It wasn't painful but it was slowly robbing me of my senses.

Wasn't I supposed to find a woman? Just what kind of odd hallucinations was I having in the middle of a freaking club?

And why did I want to go looking for an unknown man who I knew absolutely nothing about in the middle of the club that I didn't even know existed until today, simply because of some stupidly sweet voice purring inside my head?

You know him, Y/N. And you seek him. So find him.

Oh Jesus, darn it all. Whoever it was...a man or a woman or a freaking extraterrestrial, shape-shifting organism, I had to go find it if I wanted the voices inside my head to die down for good. Since how long had this not happened to me?

I was no longer used to foreign and unfamiliar thoughts invading my mind of their own accord anymore but now that a nonsensical idea had somehow been rooted into my mind, my feet itched to just go inside and follow my brain even though in the heart of hearts it felt like my brain was leading me to somewhere wrong for the very first time in a long while.

But the tug was impossible to resist. Giving up, I clenched my eyes shut and gripped my head tightly trying to ease some of the faintness as my feet automatically advanced towards the club once again. A piercing pain shot through my head as the air seemed to change and shift around me. I gawked helplessly as my surroundings warped into something unfamiliar and completely detached from reality.

I could hear the blood thrumming inside my veins as the loud sounds of the music dissipated into nothingness, and then, before I knew it, I was engulfed in smoke and shadows.


My breathing grew unsteady with each passing second as I strained myself to draw Y/N inside once again.

Five years of separation and her mind's ability to resist my influence had strengthened considerably, the bond between us twisting and grappling as her mental shields slammed up, successfully keeping me out but I had finally decided to force my way inside the confines of her brain.

I couldn't keep away from her anymore.

As selfish as it was, I wanted to be a part of her life again, even if that meant having to start over with her all over again and winning against every prejudice that she'd formed against me and my powers in the past five years.

I couldn't convince her that our sudden separation, although a decision taken hastily was indeed better for the two of us but I wanted her to be aware that in the time that she'd been busy trying to forget about me, our bond had refused to snap and continued strengthening to the point that staying away from her any longer was becoming torturous for me.

I was okay with giving her five or even ten more years to live her life to the fullest. I was willing to subdue and restrain my own needs and wait for her to come to me without any regrets of having missed out on a normal life but recently, something had changed.

I didn't know what it was but I knew that my body was slowly withering. Y/N was thinking about me everyday, for every ticking second of the day and every time she pushed the thought of me away, a senseless urge to claim her thoughts completely took over me. And I was struggling.

My heartbeat seemed to grow steadier as I sensed the bond grow warmer.

I let out a sigh I didn't realise I'd been holding and snapped my fingers once as everything around me stilled with a click.

I had only seemed to acquire this power recently and I knew that it was dangerous but I didn't suppose stopping time for a couple of mini seconds was going to make much of a difference.

Walking unobstructed through the crowds, I stood in the middle of the club waiting for Y/N's eyes to land on me as she struggled against the intense shadows of my desire.

Sucking in a shaky breath, I willed back all of my self-control and slowly withdrew the traitor shadows away from the woman in front of me, shaking as one by one they slammed into the shields of my own mind, the walls resonating with the newfound intensity of my own power.

"Hello, sweetheart." I smiled down at Y/N as she straightened slowly, pushing her shoulder-length hair behind her ear and glaring at me.

I see you've found me. This is gonna be fun.

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