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It was already dusk when I finally got out of school. The days were cold and short and the sun was eager to leave as it rapidly set beyond the horizon, its fading red-orange rays giving the sky a strange fiery colour.

Sighing, I wrapped my arms around myself and started walking faster. The cold night wind bit at my body clad in just a simple cotton t-shirt and skirt, and I desperately wished I had carried a sweater along.

The way back home was long and since Anyang was a big city, there was usually a lot to see as I walked to or back from school.

Even now, although the day seemed to be nearing its end, the shops were brightly lit and showing no signs of closing anytime soon. I slowed down near the end of the main street and took a turn, deciding to stop by for a drink at my favourite cafe.

I didn't belong to a very affluent family and visiting a good cafe everyday wasn't something I could afford to do but since the weather was chilly and my house was still a good twenty minute walk away, I couldn't resist the idea of drinking some rich, hot coffee.

Entering the shop, I was immediately stunned by how much it had changed. I couldn't remember when I'd last visited this cafe but in that short period of time, it seemingly had gone through a lot of changes.

Warmth, that had nothing to do with the room temperature, filled my body as I took in my surroundings.

Just a few months ago the cafe had been just another unknown coffee shop situated in an unknown street.

It used to look like a coffee shop from the nineties with a grungy, old school interior decoration and posters of the first generation K-pop groups plastered on the walls, but now it looked like one of those high class cafes that was frequented by all the rich people.

I looked at the revamped seating arrangement and quietly slid into one of the chairs in the far end of the cafe, hoping that the prices hadn't been revamped by a lot.

Feeling grossly out of place, I quickly fingered through the menu, settling for the lowest priced cappuccino and held up a hand for someone to take my order.

Glancing around to catch the eye of a server, I realised just how much the place had changed.

It had been one of the few places where I felt at home but now all I felt was that I was extremely underdressed as compared to the other people and needed to get out of here before someone kicked me out for my suspiciously scruffy appearance.

"Hi, I saw that you wanted to order." A smooth voice interrupted my reverie and I immediately stiffened. I knew the voice way too well to not recognise it.

"What can I get for you?" The server asked again and I lowered my head.

No. No, it couldn't be him. There was no chance.

My heart beating like crazy, I didn't dare to look up and quickly tapped on the menu before looking away.

"I'll take a small cappuccino. No extra cream." I squeaked and breathed a sigh of relief as I heard the server quickly scribble the order down and whisk away the menu before leaving my side.

Turning around fast, I barely made it in time to look at his retreating figure as he manoeuvred his way through the numerous fancy tables, his walk way too confident for a server's. There was no doubt in my mind now.

He wore the exact same trousers that he'd been wearing in the day and had the same silver rhinestone bracelet dangling on his wrist. Even his hair was the same, the exact same shade of midnight black that looked a very very dark brown in warm lighting and raven black in cold.

But how was it possible?

A million thoughts hounded my brain as I tried to catch my breath. Seokjin was the son of the richest man of Anyang.

He had all the money one could possibly need or even want. Why would he feel the need to serve at a fucking cafe of all places?

Desperately hoping that he hadn't recognised me, and praying that I didn't get in trouble for apparently seeing the most important boy of Anyang working as a server, I kept my head low.

My heart thudded in my chest as I heard familiar footsteps approaching again and quickly clutched onto one of the magazines lying on the table to hide my face behind it's glossy pages if the need arose.

"A large Caramel Macchiato with extra shots of vanilla syrup and caramel drizzle for you, Miss." I could hear the smile in his voice as the server placed the tray in front of me. "Some cookies and waffles too, as complimentary service. Please enjoy."

Befuddled and utterly confused I stared at the tray and then a smirking Seokjin.

"You know I didn't order any of this." I muttered angrily. Was he looking down on me?

"Please take it back. A small cappuccino was what I asked for and what I will pay for."

Seokjin scoffed. "Who's asking you to pay for anything?" He settled down his notepad on the table and slid into the chair opposite mine, casually placing his elbows on the table as he leaned forward to flash me a grin. "Of course I wouldn't mind if you'd buy me a coffee. But this one is definitely already paid for. Consider it on the house and you don't have to pay a single penny for it."

"Don't bullshit me, Jin." I rolled my eyes, taking up an informal tone out of annoyance. "There's no way in hell all of this can be on the house."

"Getting cozy are we?" Jin smirked as he stared at me, his eyes twinkling. "I can't say I mind the fact that we are on first name basis now. It's actually pretty thrilling because I'm certainly looking forward to calling you by your name, Y/N."

I fumed. "Don't say my name like that!" I snapped.

They said that your name falling softly from Seokjin's lips was like the satan's caress...or somewhat equal to the grim reaper taking your name thrice.

Just as the grim reaper came for your soul, Seokjin would make you his next target and come for your heart, mind and body, completely taking over and hypnotising you, and making you fall into the sly trap of his mysterious beauty.

There was definitely something mysterious about him, about the way he was so secretive about his life. No one really knew anything about him except that he was dirty rich and a total manwhore.

I myself wasn't sure how exactly I'd walked into this completely changed cafe and also managed to find him working as a server here all in under a minute when I had no idea of this place even having undergone such a renovation.

Somewhere in a crazy, totally nonsensical part of my brain I was actually forced to think if this was all an illusion.

What if the Seokjin I knew at school and the Seokjin that had made an appearance in front of me now weren't really him at all?

What if he was hiding behind all of his different personalities?

What if this was how he'd managed to win over all the girls of Anyang, because he could change...he could really change and adapt himself into their criteria of an ideal guy?

What if the two personalities I saw in one day were the part of numerous others he could morph into?

"Why, love?" Seokjin's voice had a dangerous, almost sharp edge to it as if he could read my mind, see what was going through it. I shuddered at the thought.

"Just because I said so." I exclaimed loudly. "And take this back. This place has changed so much, I'm not sure if I'll even like their coffee anymore."

Getting up, I smacked all of the money that I had onto the table and glared at him, breathing hard. "I don't know if this is going to be enough. I'll pay you back tomorrow for whatever I owe you."

"Do not follow me out." I ordered as I marched out of the cafe, pressing a hand onto my heart as my throat felt constricted like I might choke any moment.

"I'm scared." I breathed to myself as I stared back at the entrance of the rustic, old cafe again and bolted.

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