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"I don't know, baby." Jin gripped my wrists tighter and slipped an arm around my waist, his playful smile morphing into a dangerously tempting smirk. "I'm not too intent on letting you go."

I swallowed but didn't give up struggling. "I don't care, Seokjin. I meant what I said. Let. Me. Go." I yelled and pulled away with all my might,

I was quick to get my wrist dislodged from his grip but he was quicker.

Before I could turn around and leave, he's already lunged forward to slam me against the opposite lockers, his midnight black eyes almost glittering with an unsaid ferocity.

"It is Jin to you, Y/N." He whispered forcefully. "You said it yourself so stick to it."

I snarled. "Do you want me to fucking believe that all of what I saw was real?" I glared at him, suspicion dripping from my voice. I don't know why but he was angering me.

I felt so angry that I could bite his head right off if it weren't for his strong holds holding me back, pushing my waist back into the lockers.

"I don't know what spell you cast, Seokjin." I gritted as his fingers dig into my waist threateningly. "But nothing about it was real. I'm not foolish enough to believe it. I can't believe it." My voice shook towards the end of the sentence as I stared up at him, almost afraid.

"I-I always thought there was something. There had to be something that made you stand apart from everybody else and, I lost in some fucked up fantasies of mine even thought that maybe you were special in some unique, impossible way. But I'm too afraid now that there's a possibility of it being true...because, I-"

I gulped, tears almost springing up in my eyes as I felt Jin loosen his grasp. "-because I just can't wrap my head around the fact that someone like you exists who can manipulate me into believing-even for a second-that the world can be beautiful."

Something in Jin's eyes flickered as he stared at me intensely, his chest rising and falling calmly as if he was sure he could handle me, my reaction and my outburst...any of it.

"What I said," I let out a shaky breath.
"-was all fake and meaningless. I said it because of whatever influence you had me under. It wasn't real! That place wasn't real, I wasn't real, you weren't real either."

I lowered my eyes, exhausted from my outburst and let a tear fall, gasping involuntarily as almost immediately Jin's thumb came up to caress my cheek and wipe it off.

"But what if it was real? Would it be better then?" He whispered softly, his voice like a soothing potion to my worked up nerves.

"What if I told you that I was equally distressed as you are when I found out that in that make believe world of mine, you were the only real thing? And that none of what we talked about was influenced by any of my powers?"

My eyes flicked up to his, confused as Jin leaned in to press his forehead against mine, his palm still resting on my cheek.

"Who are you?" I squeaked, my breathing irregular. "Just what powers are you talking about? Don't tell me something like this actually exists." I urged him frantically. "It doesn't right? I'm just overthinking, right? Oh dear lord, am I having another one of those darn daydreams in front of you?"


She was panicking. I couldn't let this go on. She needed to be aware of the truth and for that I needed her to let me in.

"Y/N." I addressed her softly. "Y/N, look at me. Y/N!" I gently shook her shoulders which made her stop rambling and really direct her attention at me.

"Trust me, please. You're not daydreaming. It was all real. Everything except for what you saw of the cafe was real and even this completely real." I whispered in my most persuasive tone because I knew that powerful hypnosis or manipulation wasn't going to work on her.

Digging into my jeans pocket, I pulled out the few crumpled up notes and coins that she'd left as the payment and held them up in front of her.

"See this? How do you suppose I got this money if not for you leaving it with me?" I chuckled softly. "Because you and I both know, I'm no pickpocket."

"But who are you, Jin?" She questioned, her doe-like eyes widening as she looked up at me, blinking furiously. "What powers do you have? Are they dangerous?"

Her voice was small all of a sudden and I suppressed a chuckle at how she could sound so intimidating one second and so meek the next.

"I'm all of your wildest and deepest desires combined into one, living, breathing human form." I smirked wildly as my thumb slipped to her plump lower lip, slowly sliding inside her warm mouth.

Y/N showed no signs of protesting as a silent moan escaped her mouth while she parted her lips to unconsciously but gently nibble on my thumb, slowly sucking on it.

"I'm a Mind Whisperer, Y/N." I slipped my other hand around her neck and leaned in closer to make my lips hover above her ear.

"But you're the only one my spells don't really work on. That's what makes you special and extremely indispensable to me."


Mind Whisperer?

Did Jin really use his mind whispering skills to seduce all the girls that he had?

Had I been right about him all along?

He said I was special to him, that his powers didn't completely work on me...but they were indeed effective to some extent.

That was how I'd seen the cafe differently and that was how he was slowly seducing me even now, without my active knowledge.

I want to hug you.

I want to kiss you.

Kiss me.

"Ugh." I groaned as I looked up at Seokjin suspiciously. "I can hear you, you know. Stop mind whispering or whatever you're doing." I snapped. "It's giving me a headache."

I could hear him.

I could feel him whispering to me through the veil of my mind. He was like a beautifully silhouetted shadow mumbling soft words into my ear...only I could hear them echoing inside my mind if I really focused.

"You can?" Jin grinned knowingly at me, his index finger trailing along my cheek to tip my chin up.

Kiss me.

Stop ignoring me and kiss me.

I know you can hear me. Kiss me.

"Shut up." I glared at him at pulled my face out of his grasp.

Closing my eyes, I shut out the voices in my head and lifted my hand to grip his shirt instead.

"Listen up, Mr. Whoever You Are. Mind Whisperer or not, you better not fuck around with me." I warned him with the most serious expression that I could manage with my heart doing cartwheels inside my chest.

"If you do, I promise I'm going to return the favour."

Who Are You? | K.SJ (18+) [ON HOLD]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن