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"So are we in a relationship now?" I swallowed, fidgeting with the sleeves of Jin's hoodie as I sat on his bed, tucking my bare legs underneath me. My eyes followed Jin around the room as he leisurely walked to and fro, running his fingers through his hair that was still damp from the shower.

He wore an oversized grey Puma hoodie similar to the pink one I was wearing and it was nearly impossible to not notice how differently they fit us despite being the same in size. On him, it looked, well... like a hoodie. But on me, it was more of a dress.

Jin glanced at me, an indulgent smile playing on his beautiful lips. "Do you want us to be?" He raised an eyebrow, his bright eyes twinkling with amusement as they scanned my flushed face.

I looked down at my hands. There wasn't much to think, not really. But I also didn't want to give off the impression that I was dying to get together with him again.

"Yes," I finally mumbled while keeping a straight face and trying my best not to sound too vehement.

"Good," Seokjin looked at me and nodded, an easy grin making its way onto his lips. "Because I was dying to get back into a relationship with you. Quite literally."

My face heated. Surprised by his admission, I bashfully averted my gaze from his steady, dark one and focused on my hands again, unwittingly fiddling with my fingers. I was nervous, I quickly realised. Jin was no stranger to me, and there was no reason for me to feel shy in his presence but something about being alone with him in his house, in his bedroom, knowing that there was so much... so much he could do and even more that he could make me feel in the course of this one night, made my knees turn to jelly and my thoughts to mush.

"So... what are we going to do now?" I found myself blurting out before I could stop myself. When he didn't answer, I looked up hesitantly. "I mean how are we going to spend the night?" I specified, asking again and expecting a response this time but all I got in answer was a knowing smirk and more silence.

I narrowed my eyes. "What are you doing?"

Judging from his highly entertained expression and smug demeanour, it wasn't hard to guess what he was really doing. Reading my mind. Reading my thoughts and silently gloating about how he had everything from my rationale to my body and even my body's reactions wrapped around his fingers.

"Just being amazed at how well you seem to know me despite being away for five long years," he remarked. "And how you still get so nervous around me when I was knuckle deep inside you less than half an hour ago," he chuckled, the sound low, lilting and oh so attractive. "It's cute."

"Shut up!" I shouted, embarrassed. "D-don't talk like that!"

"How should I talk then?" Jin grinned playfully. "Should I be a gentleman and say that you can sleep in my bed and I'll hit the couch?" Slowly leaning forward, he grabbed one of my hoodie strings and tugged me closer. His knuckles brushed my neck as he brought his lips closer to mine, the mild scent of his perfume filling my senses.

"Should I hold myself back and make do with a chaste goodnight kiss..." he hummed, his lips brushed against mine teasingly slow causing me to squirm and clench my fists. It was torture not to wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer, sealing our lips together. But I held back, savouring the few seconds of contact as he dragged his knuckles against my jaw before tipping my chin up and swooping in to place another gentle, passionate kiss onto my lips. 

The kiss lasted just long enough to remind me of a moody butterfly hovering over a flower petal before flapping away, leaving my lips tingling and desirous for more. I took in a deep breath, realising I had inched forward until my nose brushed against Jin's, resting obediently on my knees and eagerly waiting for him to make another move. This game of push and pull was driving me insane. He'd done the same outside, toying with me until he'd gotten exactly what he wanted. My submission.

My eyes fluttered close as his thumb danced across my lower lip and he chuckled before placing another kiss, this time right at the corner of my mouth before pulling back to lock eyes with me. I didn't recognise them anymore. Gone was the playful humor and replacing it was sheer, uninhibited lust. I licked my lips, sucking in a harsh as his eyes followed the action, his pupils turning nearly obsidian with desire.

"When being well-behaved and courteous is the last thing I want to do right now?" He smirked. "When the way I really want to talk is the way that makes you come undone underneath me?"

My breath grew shallow as he smiled a slow, alluring smile, making my heart beat a thousand times faster. I knew that smile. He was upto no good, this darned Mind Whisperer.

"If yes," he whispered, his voice hoarse and laced with sinful intent. "Then let me apologise in advance because I have absolutely zero intentions of being or talking like a gentleman tonight."

I'm sorry for the short chapter

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I'm sorry for the short chapter. I tried to write more, I really did but I've been depressed lately. And no, I'm not saying this to garner sympathy or make excuses. I've lost interest in everything I do, become more irritable and touchy, and I've been unable to stick to schedules, sleep or eat well. My thoughts have turned obsessive and it's been stressing me out, and I just don't feel good. Hope you guys will understand :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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