Start from the beginning

'oh, you talking about lisa and lisa?' v asks.

'yeah, they did this to me. they cut my brake line. those bitches are gonna pay. they're gonna fucking pay.' yanis says.

lizzie couldn't believe her ears. she couldn't process how he thought the lisa's could have done that, but maybe it was only because she knew the truth.

kev squeaked, lizzie would say it was similar to a dog toy or the sound her mom made before she overdosed.

'what'd you say?' yanis asked.

'he's just sympathizing.' elizabeth quickly said.

'his voice squeaks when he sympathizes, like a little girl,' v informs him. 'which we have two of, by the way. two little girls who need their daddy, kevin, so it is time for us to go. lizzie, give him the flowers.'

the young girl stood up, handing him the flowers. he looked at them for a few seconds before tossing them to the side.

'oh you motherf—' v had to pull her away before she could say anything to make him angry.


WHEN THE THREE GOT HOME, lizzie, who didn't have a sister to watch for once, went over to the gallaghers. svetlana had agreed to watch the kids, including jasmine.

'it smells really fucking good in here.' she said, entering the house through the back door, like she normally did.

'carl bought food!' liam smiled.

lizzie plants a kiss on his forehead, taking a seat beside him. 'not just any food. i got orange juice with pulp and bacon and froot loops and cage-free organic eggs.' carl tells her, smirking.

'the fuck's the difference? it's an egg either way.' the blonde scoffed, crossing her arms.

'so, you don't want any?' carl asks.

'well, of course i want some. don't be stupid.' lizzie tells him, which brings another smirk to carl's face.

fiona walks downstairs soon, confused as to all the food in the kitchen. 'where'd all this come from?'

'carl bought froot loops.' liam tells her.

'and cage-free organic eggs and juice with the pulp in it.' carl explains again. he slides lizzie a plate. 'eat up, blondie.' he says.

'i have a name, thank you very much.' she muttered, rolling her eyes.

'where you getting all this money?' fiona asked.

'juvie job. saved up.'

'you better not be selling drugs again, carl.' fiona warns.

'nope, no drugs. i learned my lesson.' carl states.

'yeah right.' lizzie let out. 'bet he's found more kids to tape drugs to,'

𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 , carl gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now