Chapter 4

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''Where's Akane and Tsurugi?'' Laxus asked tapping his fingers simultaneously on the table.
''Where are they?'' He asked.
''They should be here by now, I gave them the address.'' Freed said.
Just then the door opened and Tsurugi and Akane entered.
A smirk adorned Laxus's face as he saw them come in.
''Here they are!'' Bickslow cheered, his tongue hanging out.
''Here! Here! Here!'' His babies chanted.
Akane and Tsurugi stood sat down.
''So! Tomorrow?'' Tsurugi asked while playing with a lighter.
''Yeah, the best time to attack would be tomorrow. Everyone would be too busy during the Fantasia, it's a perfect moment.'' Laxus grinned.
''So, tomorrow we will take over the guild.'' Akane muttered.
''Also. You'll have your revenge from those people who neglected you throughout your childhood.'' Laxus added.
Akane stared at him.
''You too didn't know I was there.'' Her voice plain.
Laxus sighed and kept his legs on the table and spoke,''But I was the first one to do so. Isn't it right?''
''No. It was not you. It was someone else.'' Akane whispered.
''Anyways! We will all get what we want.'' Laxus chuckled.
''The battle of Fairy Tail.''
Akane stared outside the window.
''Erza, I am coming for you.''


Erza groaned and opened her eyes, she was in her room.
''What happened?'' She mumbled and sat up in her bed. She could not recall any events from yesterday's evening.
She freshened up and went to the guild. Oh! Today was Fantasia! She had completely forgotten about it.
''Aah! I am so excited!'' Lucy cheered. Erza smiled at her.
''Juvia wants Gray-sama to like her performance!''

Time skip!

''I am going to do a dance routine performance with my celestial spirits!'' Lucy cheered.
Just then a voice interrupted her.
''Entry number eight.''
Max(not sure what his name was) looked around.
''Hey! I am not done appealing yet!'' Lucy fumed and started her dance.
Evergreen appeared on the stage.
''If you want fairy, then you want me.'' She said with a fan covering her face. She slowly moved towards Lucy.
''If you want beauty, then you want me.''
''Yes I am all you want!'' She cheered.
''The winner is obviously me, Evergreen!'' She said while winking.
''Lucy! Don't look in her eyes!'' Gray warned but it was too late.
''What's with this kid?'' Evergreen removed her glasses and turned her into a statue.
''Everyone run!'' Max yelled.
''Evergreen!'' Erza shouted at her but she too was turned into a statue.
Many people were running around seeing that the girls had been turned into statues by Evergreen.
''What is the meaning of this Evergreen?'' Master yelled at her.
Evergreen chuckled.
''You need some entertainment for a festival. Yes?'' She said in a mocking speech.
Just then Laxus appeared.
''What is this Laxus?'' Master shouted at him.
''Simple. I want to be the master of Fairy Tail.'' Laxus replied.
''The rules are simple. We are gonna have a battle of Fairy Tail to see who's the strongest. If anyone disagrees the girls will be shattered.'' He chuckled to himself.
''Stop this nonsense!'' Master yelled.
Laxus moved towards Lucy. He was just about to hit the still Lucy with his lighting but missed on purpose. He went over to her and leaned on her shoulders.
''These women are my toys.'' He said. ''If you break the rules I will shatter them one by one. I told you, remember? This is entertainment.'' He had a sick smirk on his face.
''This isn't funny Laxus!'' Master shouted.
''I am being serious.'' Laxus spoke.
Then Freed jumped beside Evergreen.
''Let's see who is the strongest in Fairy Tail.'' He stated.
Then Bickslow and his babies appeared beside Laxus.
''Time for fun.'' He said.
''Fun fun'' his babies repeated.

''Damn it!'' Akane punched a wall on outside of guild.
''What's wrong?'' Tsurugi asked.
''Erza has also turned in a statue!'' She growled.

I am so sorry. I don't remember their dialogues and I kind of made it up so please forgive me.

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