"Remember when I popped them all," everyone groans when I start bragging about my wins. Of course I'd brag, I was like the ultimate master at carnivals.

"Max is coming guys, I invited him," Sam and Anna don't even listen to me as they walk away from us laughing at something Sam had mentioned.

"I thought it was friendly time!" I yell out at them but Sam does his dismissing hand gesture. I look at Daniel and smile and I thought he was smiling at me but he was actually smiling at someone behind me, I frown and turn around to see the most beautiful red head to walk this planet, her fiery hair so bright it nearly blinded me. She was like a walking Merida! Daniel in daze whispers a sorry before walking to this goddess of beauty with a big smile, the lady was taller than him which reminded me of robin and star fire except this robin was a blonde.

"I always thought I preferred Dick and Barbara but woah Dick and Star-fire actually look fire," I whisper at their retrieving bodies. Now I was alone, yes alone at a big carnival, waiting for a slow man. I look towards the sunflower field that lay across the carnival. The four of us always go there after the carnival and just lay there in the grass eating some bread we buy from this old lady at the carnival. We agreed we'd meet up there at 5:00pm sharp if we stray from one another, which we already have two minutes in. Perks of growing up I guess. I look at the games but decide to walk to the sunflower field instead. I remembered the note in my cardigan pocket and decided a sunflower field would be the perfect place to read it cause I'm that cliche.

So I gently take it out, wipe away some imaginary dust and cross the road. The sunflowers were taller than me, facing the sun that was bright up in the sky and that made me squint. I walk inside the field trying to sniff up that imaginary sunflower smell I had made myself believe was true, and it was there, faint but there and it made that small warmth I loved generate in my chest. That small warmth that came with loving and feeling loved. And it was nice that it was there because no matter how stupid it sounded it made me believe that Miss Tatu was there in the fields waiting for me to read her letter.

I sit down on the grass and look at the letter, i wasn't sure I was able to rip open the last piece of memory I had of Miss Tatu. But I breath in the sunflower smell and slowly rip it open my eyes being met with her beautiful cursive letters, I smile at the memory of her trying to teach me for years how to write like her just for me to be unable to do it every single time.

my beautiful Hales,

I write this letter with tears of joy, just thinking at how much you have grown. Now I'm not some wise old lady but believe me when I tell you I poured my heart out in writing this letter.

I've watched you grow, from a troubled young lady to a remarkable woman. Even through troubled times you have managed to stand up strong and it has made me proud each time to watch you evolve into who you are today.

Sometimes you are too hard on yourself, you don't see the golden heart you have, your laughter that lights up a room. So don't be too hard to yourself, theres room for everything. Love and be loved Hales. Don't point out your insecurities because people didn't notice them until you point them out. You've always been troubled that people don't see you for who you are, but they do, they see you far better than you do yourself.
You are complete even though sometimes you think you are not. I'm not going to lie to you but everyone notices your prosthesis, it's part of you and there is no shame in it, but let me tell you, you've always managed to make people notice you and your golden heart before anything else.

Now that would have been something I would have told old hales, but this new Hales, oh my oh my has she made me the happiest angel. She has evolved past her troubled times and she knows her worth and she appreciates love. She's everything beautiful. May this Hales live on forever and love on forever, for this Hales is the nearest thing to the embodiment of perfection.

I am glad to have met someone like you, to have loved and be loved by someone like you. I absolutely adore you and I know this letter isn't very touching but believe me when I tell you I poured my heart out for it.

Your Tatu.

Holding the letter close to my chest I look up at the sky with a smile, maybe she was already there, waving at me. I wipe the tears away from my eyes and the last piece of puzzle falls into place at knowing that Miss Tatu is proud of who I've become. I felt complete as I folded up the letter and returned it into its beautiful envelope.

"Hales?" I turn around and smile at Maximus who had a worried look on his face.

"Yeah?" I place my head on his chest and he gently embraces me into a warm hug.

"Are you alright, were you crying?" I look up at him and smile.

"I've never been this alright," he smiles and pretend to flick away some fake sweat, "Well thats good because..." I laugh as he pulls away and I know exactly what he is about to do.

Kneeling in front of me with a sunflower ring with small lightning bolts circling its golden rim, was Prince Maximus, "Hales Adam's will you please, oh please make me the happiest men in Central City and marry me?"


Well that was indeed a wild ride! But we are done! Finally! Andd I'm such a proud mama because of Hales evolution! Ahh yess Queen!! This whole story is about how amazing you are!! Anyways thanks for reading! I will RE-write the book cause I wrote it when I was blehh but now Im meh! And yeyy thats it!!

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