Day 3-

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Day 3:

First experiment done today. Long ice bath. They stripped me naked and put me in a large tub full of ice and freezing water, two other people in with me. A girl with shaved hair, hollow cheeks, and another guy, his hair not shaved but just gone. Probably in his early 30s, super thin. I knew other experiments had been done on them. They looked sickly.
We spent hours sitting in that bath. Every half hour or so, some of the water would be drained and more ice would be added. We weren't allowed to talk to anybody, even to say 'hi' or ask for a drink. It was exhausting.
After about five hour, we were dragged out of the tub because our bodies were too weak to walk. We were brought into another room where I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. My skin was white, almost greyish, dotted with goosebumps and hives.
In the room we were dressed in gowns you wear at the doctors office and pulled into the hallway for the other patients to see us all limp and unconscious. I don't remember much.
Anyway, I'm kind of tired. So I am going to put this down and go to sleep. Goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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