Day 1-

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The government invaded yesterday. Today is the first day of The Experiments (notice the capitals? This stuff's important, haha). I'll get to the details at a later time. For now, here is all you need to know. I guess. I don't even know who you are. I don't know why you're reading this. I don't see the purpose, so I will give you the information I want to. Because I am the narrator for this piece of crap story, and I make the decisions:
    My name is Josiah. I am 17 years old, from Jaffrey, New Hampshire. I'm currently in a facility in Boston, hiding this notebook. They took everything I brought, even though I was told not to bring anything in the first place. I didn't bring much, anyway. My mom's wedding ring (I stuck that underneath my tongue while they patted me down and swallowed it when they told me to open my mouth. That's going to be fun fishing out of the toilet). My sister's blanket she forgot at the house (they took it), this notebook which I had to roll up and shove up my- my, uh, you know, um. Anyway. And finally, a pen I stole from some security guard named Gerald.
    Why we aren't allowed to have anything, I have no idea. Even the items in this room I'm locked in are to the minimum. A bench to sleep on with no blankets or pillows. A table with four chairs. And one reclining one in the middle of the room. One that you would see at the dentist's office, pure white just like everything else in here. I'm convinced that the white is supposed to do something to your brain; the reflection from the fluorescent lights must hurt your eyes or something. And besides all that, there's a sink in the corner of the room, with a toilet attached. I'm not sure if there are cameras in here, but if there are, I suppose I will simply say I have a fetish for toilets or poop or something when I go fishing for my mom's ring.
    There are no electronic things in here- nothing running off batteries either. No clock to tell the time, and I didn't bother bringing my phone. I figured I would lose it early on, or it would die before I got the chance to do much. I wonder if that girl Emma from my 3rd-period English class ever answered me. We were supposed to go on a date yesterday. I also hope nobody goes through my search history. I had to research turtles mating, and it got weird.
    Anyway, I've been sitting here for about an hour or so. I know that at some point today, I'm going to get a check-up for The Experiments. I'm probably going to hide this notebook in a few minutes. I don't want to have some nurse walk in and see me writing about how much I hate them and The Experiments. We have no say on those, by the way. We are no longer free citizens. We are guinea pigs to the government, not that we weren't in a way before. Haven't we always been test subjects? Whatever. I don't like getting political.
Tomorrow I will explain TE (The Experiments) because it is a long story and requires time to write. I hope this whole situation doesn't last long. My parents are both gone, but my sister is here someplace. I don't know where, but I need to find her soon. Anyway, sometime soon we'll talk again. Peace.

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