Teacher!Sparking!Shu x Student!Reader

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Requested by Carly_Cake
[Y/N]=Your name
[H/C]=Hair Color
[F/N]=Friend's name
[L/F/S]=Least Favorite Subject
I don't own anything but the plot.

I huffed as I sat down at my desk. It's the last class of the day on the first day of school and I'm exhausted. Welp, that's what happens when you spend three months free of school.

"I hate today." I grumbled twisting a lock of my messy [H/C] hair around my finger absentmindedly. The girls in the class were squealing like mad over some new teacher here. Not that I cared.

"You good? [Y/N]?" My friend, [F/N], asked as she claimed the desk beside me. "Yeah I'm good. Just bored and trying to figure out what everyone's so excited about." I said.

"You haven't heard?!" [F/N] squealed. Great. She's one of those girls. "So apparently, there's a new teacher that's only, like, three years older than us and he's super hawt." She fan-girled.

I scoffed flipping the lock of hair I was messing with back to join the rest of its family. "That's it, really?" I said. "He could easily be close to 40 and still look at 21. It's not impossible." [F/N] huffed at my reasoning as she put her head down. "Yeah whatevs. Dream killer." She muttered.

I sighed heavily as I leaned back in the chair. I was so focused on tuning out my classmates that I didn't notice the teacher walk in. That was until the all girls started squealing again.

"Oh my god."

"He's so hot."

Fan girl sayings like that were heard as I turned my attention back to the front of the class. I tilted my head sideways as he held a finger up to his lips signaling the class to quiet down. Within seconds, the room went dead silent.

"Good afternoon everyone. My name is Mr. Kurenai and as of today I will be your teacher for [L/F/S]. Now I know many of you are not fans of this subject, but I promise to make it as enjoyable as possible. Deal?" A gentle voice spoke. I scoffed at that as I took in his appearance.

Snowy white hair that hung to his shoulders with ruby red eyes to match perfectly. A black vest worn over white one with a long-sleeved pink shirt. Black pants with a thin white stripe running downwards were held up by a white and red belt before disappearing into a pair of white and red boots.

He certainly looked the part, but could he play it? "Mr. Kurenai." I said standing up. "How old are you really, because rumor has it that you're 21." The man chuckled softly as the other girls swooned.

"You know it's considered rude to ask a person their age. But if it satisfies you miss, yes I'm 21." Mr. Kurenai said. "I graduated early at 15 and earned my degree in teaching when I was 19." I smiled softly as I sat back down. "Sorry to be rude." I said.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a tsundere but that just how I am. Deal with it.

"It's quite alright." He said as he began the lesson. He wasn't kidding when he said he would make it fun. After teaching, he would separate us into teams and play a game where the winner would get some of kind prize like candy.

The bell rang and the class filed out. The girls would wave or wink flirtatiously at the albino before leaving. I scoffed softly as my friend was one of those. "Really?" I asked out loud as I gathered my supplies.

"One moment please, miss [Y/N]?" Mr. Kurenai asked sweetly. I rolled my eyes but turned my attention to him. "Sir." He smiled softly as he leaned against the wall in front of me.

"I noticed how you didn't play with your friends today. Is there a reason?" The male asked. I scoffed. "I suck at [L/F/S] and there's no way I'm embarrassing myself in front of the class. Now if you'll excuse me." I said grabbing the door knob.

"7 am." He said. I looked over at him curiously as he smiled. "I'm here every morning at 7 am. If you would like, I can tutor you one-on-one before school starts to help you get better at [L/F/S]."

I huffed as I nodded. "Sure. It's not like I have anything better to do." I said. Mr. Kurenai nodded before speaking. "You can call me Shu. If you wish." He said. "Alright. Bye Mr. Shu." I said leaving.

Little did I know the effect of calling him that had on the poor albino.

The next day I headed straight for his classroom not bothering with the disgusting food the school dubbed "breakfast." "Mr. Shu?" I asked before stepping into the room.

"Oh? You actually came?" He said as I sat down in my desk. "Yeah." I muttered nodding as he placed a sheet of paper on the polished wood. "Now where do you need help at?" Shu asked softly as he sat in the desk beside me.

"Everywhere." I said as he laughed softly. "Ok then." He said as he walked my through each question. Shu showed me how to pull out the info that I needed and how to find the answer.

"Done." I cheered as I sat my pencil down. "Good." Shu chuckled softly at my childlike antics despite being 18. "And right on time too." He said as the bell rang for first period. "Later Mr. Shu." I said running to start the day.

This continued until the end of the year. I would begin having trouble and Shu would invite me in for morning tutoring.

"He's amazing." I ranted to [F/N] as we walked into the classroom. "I told you so." She giggled as class began. Today was an easy day for the reason that it was the last day of school. Yeah-woo!!

The students were all spread out across the room. Some starting up one of the many games Shu had taught and others, mostly girls, tried to flirt with the albino.

"Come on teach. I can make you happy." One of the girls said pressing her body against him. "I'm sorry, but I like someone else." He said calmly as he pushed her away.

"Who?" Another girl asked running her fingers through his hair. "When I'm obviously better for ya." Shu growled lowly as he moved away from the obsessed girls. "No. Now please leave." He said as the bell rang.

The girls groaned as they filed out. "Saved by the bell. Literally." I said as Shu smiled at me. "Actually. Can you hang back a moment, [Y/N]?" I nodded as the classroom emptied.

"What is it? Mr. Shu?" I asked before I was slammed against the wall. "What the!" I yelped as the albino pinned my arms over my head. "Let me go!" I growled.

"No can do [Y/N]." Shu smirked as he leaned in. Before I even react to the male, he kissed me. My [L/F/S] teacher kissed me! I gasped as he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

I moaned softly before he pulled away. His face was soaked in blush and I'm sure my own was the same way. "I'm sorry." Shu muttered breathless as he smiled. "But I have loved you since the day we met. I have never meet a girl so tough and so brave like you before. I want you to be mine."

I panted softly before smiling. "I would love that, Shu." I said finally dropping the formalities with him. The albino smirked as he pulled me back in for another kiss. This one I returned with a fiery passion and loved every second of it.

A/N: Requests are open, so don't be ashamed to ask. Ask on the "Request Page Open" chapter of this book or PM me for a story.
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Love y'all😘

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