Red Eye/Shu X Depressed!Reader

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Requested by AX-Skye
[Y/N]=Your name
[F/C]=Favorite color
Trigger warnings: This has mentions of cutting and blood. If this bothers you in any way then please skip this chapter.
I don't own anything but the plot.

I knew how to smile. I knew how to laugh. To the outside world I seemed like a happy-go-lucky girl like my brother. But there's something that they didn't know.

A sob escaped my lips as I glanced at the blood-stained blade. "I'm sorry love." I whispered as I slid the cold metal across my skin. The wound stung as pearls of crimson red liquid appeared.

I smiled softly as I watched the blood drip off my arm. Bright red, the same color as his eyes. The boy who had disappeared from the face of the earth without a trace. My boyfriend.

I took a deep breath before wrapping my wrist up and hiding my blade. After I was certain I was fit enough to be with the group, I walked out from the restroom.

"Now for training." I muttered as I threw on my [F/C] hoodie to hide the bandages. Thankfully the cuts were on my non-dominate hand so they wouldn't get in the way. I shook my head a couple of times before heading to the training room.

"Morning everyone!" I cheered as I walked in. "Morning [Y/N]." Everybody said together as I pulled out my launcher. "Sis!!" Valt yelled as he ran up to me. "Calm down Valt. We don't need to wake the dead." I said with a fake smile. Not that he noticed. "I want to Battle." He beamed showing off Valtryek.

"That's going to have to wait." Kris said as she walked in. "We just got confirmation that Red Eye has accepted the challenge from Lui Shirosagi." Valt growled softly at the mention of the two.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." He said running out the door. I rolled my eyes but followed my energetic brother.

~~Time Skip~~

Thanks to Wakyia, we had managed to find the location where Lui and Red Eye were sat to Battle. From where we were at I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could tell Lui was taunting the masked Blader.

I sighed softly as I watched with Valt, Cuza, Honcho, Wakiya, Silas, Kit and our bey trainer Raul. I didn't want Lui to win, but I also didn't want him to loss either. The battle raged on and even from way back you could feel the tension.

That's when two different sounds were heard. One was all too familiar, the sound of a Bey bursting. The other was what shook everyone to the very core. Due to the power of the Beys colliding Red Eye's mask broke.

I gasped as I saw two familiar eyes revealed. The same eyes that I fell in love with. The same eyes that lead me to start cutting my skin just to see that beautiful color. "Shu!" I yelled out.

The boy snapped his head towards us. Towards me. I sobbed before turning away and running back to the jet. "Wait [Y/N]!" The albino yelled out but I was already gone.

Back at BC Sol, all I did was cry for the next two weeks. I didn't eat, I didn't drink. I never even came down to train which was so rare for me. "[Y/N]? Please come out?" Valt asked from the other side of the door. "Go away!" I yelled as I added a new slash to my scar-covered arm.

"Please [Y/N]?" His voice said. "No." I yelled again as the door knob rattled. "I'm not taking 'no' for an answer [N/N]. You know that." Shu said. I growled loudly before screaming. "You have no right to call me that after you left me! You abandoned me all for what?! To be the strongest?! Be the strongest means nothing without someone to help you and you pushed me away!"

I fell to the ground crying as the door opened. "Just go." I muttered softly as he placed a hand on my back. "I'm sorry. I really am." He cried as he hugged me. "You say sorry just for show." I said but accepted the hug.

He smiled as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. "I want you back. Please [Y/N]?" Shu muttered as he slid his hands down my arms. I hissed as he touched the new wounds. "[Y/N]?" He asked as he rolled up my sleeve.

I whimpered as the albino gasped at the scars. "Are you cutting yourself?" I nodded at the question as he traced some of the older cuts. "This is because of me, isn't it?" He cried. I bit my lip as I once again nodded.

Shu sobbed as he wrapped his arms around me again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He apologized over and over again as I ran my fingers through his hair. "It's okay." I said as he sat up. "No, it's not. This is my fault. If I hadn't became Red Eye, then you wouldn't have these scars." He sobbed.

"Hey. You're here now, and that's what matters." I said as I kissed him. Shu froze before returning it with a fiery passion. We pulled apart both short of breath before he started kissing my scars.

"Shu." I giggled softly. "That tickles." The albino smirked before pulling away. "Come on. Let's get you to the infirmity." I nodded as he pulled me to my feet.

"And [Y/N]. Promise me that you will never do this again." Shu said motioning to my cuts. I smiled a real smile for the first time since his disappearance. "I promise. As long as I have you by my side then I won't need the blade." I said.

Shu smiled as he kissed my lips before we continued to the infirmity. Hand-in-hand just like it was before my scars appeared.

A/N: Requests are open, so don't be ashamed to ask. Ask on the "Request Page Open" chapter of this book or PM me for a story.
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Love y'all😘

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