Shu Kurenai X Reader

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[Y/N]-Your name
[F/C]-favorite color
[S/F/C]-second fav color
Characters are aged up. You're 25 and Shu is 23.
I don't own anything but the plot.

The girl laughed as she took to the sky. The police had found her again, and quite frankly she didn't care. She wasn't a criminal by any means, but they always tried to catch her because of her wings.

You see, [Y/N] was born for some unknown reason with [F/C] and [S/F/C] wings. Her mother had kept her hidden from the world to protect her. That was until two years ago when she died in a drunk driving accident.

"Get her!" The police yelled as [Y/N] smirked. "Hit me with your best shot!" She yelled back as she dodged every bullet and flew away. "Damn it! She got away again." [Y/N] heard a officer yell.

She turned around and hovered in midair watching. It was only a small squad of four, but one was especially vicious towards his teammates. "This is your fault Kurenai!" The flame-haired officer yelled as an albino male stumbled backwards causing him to fall.

"You're the reason she keeps escaping. You're worthless!" He continued to yelled as the albino whimpered softly. He glanced up at his commanding officer before noticing the patch of [F/C] and [S/F/C] hovering in the sky.

[Y/N] held her index finger to her lips beckoning him to stay quiet. The albino blinked to show he understood causing the winged girl to smile.

The flame-haired growled in frustration as he turned away. "Back to the station! Everybody!" He yelled as the others saluted. "Sir!" The other two said before heading to their squad cars. The albino sighed as the girl landed in front of him.

"I'm sorry I keep getting you in trouble, Shu." She said as the white-haired officer wrapped his arms around her carefully to avoid hitting her wings. "It's fine my love." He said with a smile. "What are you doing outside anyways?"

[Y/N] smirked as she kissed his jawline. "I missed my babe. Plus groceries aren't gonna buy themselves, you know." She said. Shu inhaled deeply before speaking. "I'll buy the groceries as soon as I get off." He mumbled as he straighten his breathing out. [Y/N] smirked before nodding. "Fine. See you soon~" She purred before flying off.

Later that night, Shu returned home to hear his wife of four years singing along with the radio. He smirked as he followed her voice to the kitchen, and leaned against the doorway watching.

[Y/N] was dancing around the kitchen with her wings fluttering behind her. Shu smirked before he snuck up on her and curled his arms around her waist. "Oh s***! Shu!" She laughed as she twisted in his arms and rested her hand on his shoulders. "You scared me." She said.

The officer smirked softly as he kissed her lips. "How was work?" She asked as he released her and began to put away the groceries. "Other than your little surprise visit, nothing else exciting happened." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm sorry about that too. You weren't supposed to see me." [Y/N] said looking down in shame. "Hey, don't be like that." Shu said as he wrapped his arms around her. "The world can hate you all they want, but I love every bit of you. Wings and all." He said.

His hand then dropped to her stomach where you could see a one-month baby bump. "And I hope she or he gets your wings too." Shu whispered softly as [Y/N] covered his hand with hers. "Our family is unique, and no one can ever change that."

[Y/N] smiled softly as she kissed him again. "That's the way god made us." She said pulling away. "I'm forever grateful for that. For meeting you and bearing our child. There's nothing in the world I would do to change that."

The Kurenais smiled at each other as they held their hands on [Y/N]'s stomach. Holding their world and their legacy before the child joined the world.

😍😍Shu is my world!! My Babe!!😍😍
Take a lucky guess of who the other two officers were. 😉
Please remember to comment and vote.
Love y'all😘

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