Valt x Reader

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Requested by ValtAoiFan14
[Y/N]=Your name
[S/N]=Sister's Name
[B/N]=Bey name
[F/C]=Favorite Color
[S/F/C]=Second Favorite Color
I don't own anything but the plot.

At birth, everyone has a tattoo of their soulmate's bey imprinted on their body. Mine was blue with flecks of red and yellow pressed into the skin of my left hand. At first I didn't mind the small image, but as I got older it began to make me self-conscious.

I sighed softly as I picked at the fingerless glove on my hand. "Sis. I don't know why you hide your mark." My younger sister by a year said as she sat down at the kitchen table. "Easy for you to say." I smiled softly.

My sister, [S/N], had a orange-ish colored bey design pressed into the skin of her right shoulder. With that location, it was easy for her to hide her mark but she didn't like too. [S/N] loved to show it off and wore off the shoulder tops to prove it.

"Whatever. We've got school, so come on." I said as I grabbed my bag from its hook near the door. My sister groaned softly before following me out. "Man I hate school." She grumbled. I laughed softly at that. "Join the club."

The rest of the way was silent other then the familiar sound of shoes on concrete. "Okay Sis." I said as I hugged her. "I'll see you after school." The younger girl nodded and ran off to find her friends.

"Eeeeep! Look out!" A voice yelled but it was too late. "Ooof." I said softly as I hit the ground. "Well that worked. Not." I chuckled softly as I stood up. "Sorry 'bout that." The culprit said as he pushed himself onto his feet.

The boy had water-blue hair held up by a yellow ellipse hairband, fair skin and brown eyes. Red markings decorated the skin below his left eye. His outfit contained a red short-sleeved hoodie with a yellow "V" emblem on the front and a light blue body warmer with cerulean borders pulled over it. Blue rolled-up trousers, black fingerless gloves with yellow cuffs and borders around the finger sleeves, and blue high top shoes with yellow quarter panels and white collars finished off his look.

"I'm sorry." He said scratching the back of his head. "All good." I said as another boy came running up. "Valt!" He yelled at the blue-haired boy.

He was taller than, who I assumed was, Valt with blonde hair and brown eyes. He wore a black gakuran jacket with a red tank top underneath. Matching gakuran trousers were held up using a white sash around his waist. A bandaid stretched across the bridge of his nose with a lollipop in his mouth.

"You have got to be more careful dude." He scolded before noticing me. "Oh. Sorry miss...uhh." I giggled softly at him. "I'm [Y/N]. It's nice to meet you." I said. Valt smiled at me before speaking. "I'm Valt. And this here is Rantaro or Honcho as we call him."

"We?" I asked tilting my head slightly. "The Bey Club." Valt said before squealing. "Oww. Valt!" Honcho yelled as he smacked the side of the boy's head. Valt swatted it off as he turned to me.

"You should join us. Pleeeeeeeeae." Valt said with puppy-dog eyes that made it hard to say no. "Alright. I'll meet you after school." I said giggling. Valt cheered before the bell rang. "Eeep." He squealed before running to class. "We meet on the roof." He yelled back at me.

After school, I made my way up to the roof. "Why do we have to go?" [S/N] complained as we reached the door. "I promise I would meet his Bey Club after school." I said rolling my eyes.

I shoved the door opened and saw a small group of boys standing there. Two of them I recognized has Valt and Honcho from this morning. The others were a bit new to me. One was albino with red eyes, another had black hair with matching eyes and the last one was blonde with blue eyes.

"Guys. This is the girl I was talking about." Valt said sweetly. "Hi. I'm [Y/N]." I said with a smile. "This one behind me is my sister, [S/N]." The albino boy stepped up with a faint smile. "The name's Shu." He said before pointing to the others. "Grim Reaper is Daigo and Blondie is Wakiya."

The two waved but said nothing. "I want to Battle!" Valt yelled throwing his arms up. "Hang on." I said noticing the mark pressed in the crease of his right elbow. "Huh?" Valt said as I stepped up to him.

I held my hand out as I asked to see his arms. The boy was confused but allowed it. The mark was [F/C] with [S/C/F] mixed in. "No way." I muttered softly as he pulled away. "What?" Valt asked worryingly.

I smiled as I pulled out [B/N] and removed my glove revealing my tattoo. Valt gasped as he scrambled to pulled Valtryek from his pocket. He smiled softly as he held his beloved bey up beside my hand. "We're..." Valt said. "Soulmates." I finish as he laughed wrapping his arms around me.

"I can't believe it." He said. I smiled softly before pulling him into a kiss. He froze up at first but then returned it. "Ewwww. Get a room." [S/N] whined as we pulled apart.

"Oh shut it." I said smirking. "You're just jealous that I found the one." My sister retorted with a smirk of her own. "Wrong Sister. I did find him." She said as Rantaro kissed the top of her head.

I didn't noticed it at first but I did now. Pressed to the side of Honcho's neck, half-hidden by his collar, was the design of my sister's bey. "Well I'll be." Valt said smiling.

I smiled back as I tilted my head back to look at the sky. "Fate works in mysterious ways." I muttered as Valt wrapped his arms around my waist. [S/N] grinned as she stepped up beside me with Honcho.

Who would have thought that the accidental run-in this morning would be the start of our forever.

A/N: Requests are open, so don't be ashamed to ask. Ask on the "Request Page Open" chapter of this book or PM me for a story.
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Love y'all😘

Beyblade Burst One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora