Baby!Shu x Mother!Reader

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Thank you to SweetTsundereQueen for
this baby picture of Shu.
😍😍It's so Kawii!! My little baby!!😍😍
I don't own anything but the plot.

"All right, all right! I'm up!" I yelled as I rolled out of bed. A frantic string of knocks continued to pound on the front door as I walked over. I pulled back the curtain to see who it was, but there was no one. I sighed softly as I opened the door and looked around.

"Hello? Is someone out here?" I called out to a still and quiet night. What answered my question was the coo of a baby. Startled, I looked down at my feet. There, laying in a laundry basket, was a little bundle.

Shocked at the sight I knelt down to pick up the child. Pulling away the blanket slightly, I was met with a little boy as young newborn with snowy white hair and crimson red eyes. "Oh. You poor thing." I whispered softly as I rocked him.

I looked around hoping to see his mother, but no luck. I smiled softly as I picked up his makeshift bed and brought him in. "I guess I'm your mother now. Huh?" I muttered as he cooed out. "I wonder why you were abandoned." I said before noticing a little paper tucked into his blanket with him.

"A note?" I said pulling it out. I placed the basket on the couch before sitting down beside it. "I guess your mother was looking out for her baby." I said as I opened the letter.

To whoever reads this,
I'm sorry I left Shu with you, but I couldn't raise him. I can barely take care of myself and I don't want my child to be hurt. He's still young, but I know he will do great things in life. Please help him learn this, and raise him with the love and care that I was not able to give. Thank you for taking care of my baby boy.
Love, Anonymous
P.S, his birthday is 9/23

I smiled softly as I watched the little boy in my arms. "Shu, huh?" I muttered as I kissed his forehead. "Well don't you worry. I'll keep you safe and sound."

After that day I raised Shu to the best of my abilities. My mother was heavily against it with me being only 18, but after she saw how much dedication I put into it she allowed me to keep him.

"Up we go." I said as I pulled the now one-year-old Shu out of his crib. The boy giggled as he placed his hands on my cheeks and leaned his forehead on mine. "La, la." He babbled in his baby language. "I love you too." I said softly as he leaned back. "Now let's go to see grandma."

Shu babbled as he was placed in his car seat. "Ma." He said softly. I smiled as we drove through town to visit my mother. Shu continued to babble and coo from the back seat before finally falling asleep.

At my mom's house, the boy was passed around from person to person as my family gathered to celebrate the Fourth of July. "Oh, he's so cute." My elder sister said as she handed the tiny albino to me. "Yeah." I muttered as he curled up against me and fell asleep.

"What I'm curious on is how you have a baby before me." She pouted. I laughed softly as I rocked Shu in my arms. "He was abandoned at my doorstep Sis." I said softly before smiling at her. "Whatever." She said rolling her eyes playfully.

I shook my head at her. That night, we all sat around watching the explosion of lights in the moonlight. I stared at Shu as his eyes lit up. He babbled and cooed as he pointed to the sky. "Ba, ba." He said. "Firework." I said to him as he turned to look at me.

"Mama." He said with clarity. I smiled softly as I placed my forehead on his. "That's right. I'm Mama." Shu giggled softly as he turned back to watch the sky not understanding what I had said.

I smiled softly as I made him a promise. "Shu, I promise you that I will always be there for you. No matter how far away, no matter how old you are. You will always be my baby. I want you to grow up big and strong. Show the world who you are and don't ever let them dim that fire in your heart. For you can change the world. Just remember to always follow your dreams. I love you my sweet baby." I told him. The boy smiled softly as he babbled out, "La Mama." or "I love you Mama." in baby speak.

A/N: Requests are open, so don't be ashamed to ask. Ask on the "Request Page Open" chapter of this book or PM me for a story.
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Love y'all😘

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