Revenge after breakup

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Tomikas POV
I was currently in my bed crying zack broke up with me the band didn't like the fact that we were dating Louie came in
L: guess what
T: what
He hugged me
T: what the
L: there's this new thing in ghost world people can see me and you can hug me
T: I'm sad
I cried in his chest we layed down on the his arm snakes around me and my head buried in his chest crying
T: why is the band so stupid
L: babygirl I don't know
T: (sniffles)
L: it kills me to see you like this
T: I hate sadness it's weird
L: babygirl your afraid of the doctors
T: your afraid of bunny's
L: shut up I grew out a lot of my fears like bunny darkness being alone I really only hate needles and you crying
T: aww
I kissed his cheek when the band burst in
Z: what the hell
T: what
L: babygirl were not in the best position
I sat up
S: babygirl?
L: are you the band that made her cry
F: maybe
L: your awful friends especially fremmer you dated and kept it a secret
L: also summer she supported you with your crush on freddy and Freddy she helped you get summer but you broke up her relationship cause you were mad
S: one good point and two how do you know this
L: I know many things
La: weird also-
L: I also know you use cheat codes
T; this is great blackmail
L: I got the best stuff on zack
T: yes
Z: no
T: leave
Z: I want you back
F: and what's his name put it in a way so we make us feel like-
L: shit?
F: I was gonna say bad but ok making us feel like shit works to
L: use it to your advantage they're begging for forgiveness
T: I got them wrapped around my finger
Sor: shit
L: your in trouble I once had to wear a dress to school
T: yeah
F: oh no
T: Freddy you have to let me style your hair and wear it all day
F: mmmm fine
T: Lawrence I get to smash your computer
L: but-
T: Larry
L: ok
T: summer
S: fuck
T: I have a prank planned tomorrow your taking the blame
S: fine god
T: and zack
Z: oh god
T: you broke my heart so do you want freddy and Lawrence to do it with you
Z: yes
L&F: dammit
T: walk around the school in dresses saying I'm a pretty princess
Loui and summer burst out laughing
L: oh your so screwed
Z&F&L: hell no
S: your doing it
They groaned
Summer was in charge of the dresses I went to Freddys house and did his hair awful he screamed and we walked to school every one laughed we walked to class
T: Larry
L: rip man I love you
I rolled my eyes I grabbed it and smashed it
T: ha
We were at lunch we heard principal Mullins scream I smirked
S: the principal
She came in covered in ink feathers and glue covered her and slime mixed with sit-up was everyone on her
S: I'm sorry ms.mullins
She stormed out and she ran her hands through her hair
T: and for the finale
She started smiling evilly the guys gulped we went to our lockers she handed them it they left and came back they yelled it it was so funny
Z: I hate this
L: Shouldn't have hurt tomika
?: I will NEVER do anything to you
T: you don't want to
After a few minutes they changed back everyone booed and they rolled their eyes
T: at least I forgive you
Z: meh
I kissed him

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