Summer your never rebelling again

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Zacks POV
Summer came in she was rebellious she sat with her feet up
T: wait your a rebel now
S: yup
T: shit
S: what can't handle it
T: summer you know how I get
Her eyes widen
S: oh my god I'm so sorry I'll change back right now
She ran out
T: tie me to something
F: huh
T: just tie me to a chair
Z: why
She flipped me so I crashed on the desk causing it to break
L: you heard the women move
They tied her
T: I'm gonna say something bad put ducktape on my mouth
We were about to
T: put that ducktape on you'll be transgender the next day-wait sorry do it
We did quickly she sighed in relief when mr finn pulled out a donut she Immediately ripped the ropes
F: oh god
She gave us the sorry look and sat back down the guys helped me up
Z: your psychotic
It took everyone to hold her down after an hour three kids were unconscious on the floor Freddys hair was a mess and she smashed my guitar summer came back in normal clothes
Everyone: (groans in pain)
S: better than I thought
They hugged
F: what's going on
S: I'm her good influence
L: we see that
M: she threw out my donuts and was cursing
S: how many body bags are we gonna have to buy this time
T: good news I didn't put anyone on life support we don't need to dump them in the back of a McDonald's
S: miki that's great see we're making progress
F: what the
T: that's good for me
Z: summer your never rebelling again
S: I kinda liked rebel summer
Everyone: NO
T: ok fine god
Her and summer giggled we cleaned up the blood

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