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Tomikas POV
It's a few days after the Austin music festival we got to stay mr.finn isn't fired fremmers a thing and me and zack are dating I go up to the front of the class
T: guys i feel like our lives are finally normal
Someone walked through the door it's ME
?: oh my god it you it's really you
She hugged me
T: I think I spoke too soon
?: we thought you were dead are you ok did they hurt you
Z: uh who's this
T: I don't know
?: I'm sorry what
T: do I know you
?: Frankie Hathaway your sister
T: um I'm sorry I don't know any Frankies
Fr: seriously we were kidnapped when we were 9 after that everyone thought you were dead
T: um who are you
Fr: oh my god
S: this is confusing
T: yeah how do you think I feel
Fr: you seriously don't remember me
T: not a clue
She slapped me
T: you bitch
Fr: you calling me a bitch just like old times now all I need is an unconscious body on the floor
Z: your childhood was weird
Fr: our childhood your my sister
T: no no I'm not
Fr: yes you are
T: honestly I think this is a prank
Fr: fine get a dna test
T: fine
She left we headed to this dna place
?: results for faith Hathaway
?: I repeat faith Hathaway
?: oh you yes
T: where's my results
?: well faith-
T: um no my name is tomika young
?: no your name is faith Hathaway daughter of Michelle Hathaway and your sisters are Taylor and Frankie Hathaway
T: wait she wasn't lying
?: um I don't know what your talking about
T: nothing I'm gonna go
I ran out my life is a lie
S: Tomika
T: hey guys
F: you ok
T: just found out my life is a lie what do you think
Z: there's still a chance freddys pranking you
F: hey I'm not that cold also it's to much work to do a prank this big
T: I'm gonna go
Z: babe-
T: bye
I ran away I saw Frankie at an ice cream shop there was this boy there
T: Frankie?
Fr: (coldly) hi
T: so I'm um got a DNA test
Fr: and?
T: you were right
Fr: well glad you know
She rolled her eyes
T: look I'm sorry it's hard to believe someone you just met that your entire life is a lie
Fr: that's the thing I've known you since birth
T: how did we split up
Fr: well
I sat down
Fr: ok a few days ago I was in New Orleans watching t.v I saw you at the Austin music festival and got excited I came all the way here just for you since everyone thought you were dead
T: why
Fr: well when we were nine we got kidnapped we were there for a week but I was able to get out of the ropes I untied you but the kidnapper saw us you grabbed a gun and told me to leave I called the police just as they got there the building exploded and we assumed you died
A sharp pain shot through my head
F: run
Fr: faith im not leaving you
F: it's the only way
T: my name was faith right
Fr: yep
F: get the hell away
?: NO
I grabbed a lighter and burned the building I smashed a whole in the wall and everything was black
T: I um think I smashed a hole in the wall to escape
F: who am I
?: your our daughter your name is tomika young
T: ok
My parents lied
Fr: are you ok
T: fine but wanna kill-I mean arrest my parents
Fr: don't have to ask me twice
W called the police they were taken away I remember her now
T: hey one question
Fr: yeah
T: who was that boy in the ice cream place
Fr: I'll tell you later and NO he's not my boyfriend
T: dammit I was gonna tease you
Fr: yeah well do you have a boyfriend
T: maybe 😳
Fr: which one
I showed her a picture
Fr: oh I remember him
The band came up to us
Fr: Zacks that one right
Z: yeah why
Fr: oh nothing just
She punched him in the face
Fr: break her heart and I break your face and make her cry one time you'll be transgender the next day
S: so I'm guessing your friends again
Fr&T: sisters forever
T: wait the song
Fr: you remember?
T: no I just randomly say "the song"
Fr: ok ok
T&Fr: 🎵 faith and Frankie together again make sure you hide or you'll be in a coffin we hit we slap we cheer and clap whatever you do don't make us mad 🎵
We laughed the guys were freaked out but Freddy was looking at Frankie with lust she didn't notice but summer did
T: hey Freddy you and Frankie should go see the new horror movie it seems like something you guys would like
Fr: ok
He mouthed "thank you"
S: um fredbear?
He looked at her uninterested
F: Um yeah
S: can we talk
F: uh yeah sure
They left she came back pissed and he said and I quote "IM A SINGLE MAN NOW" Frankie chuckled and summer glared at her
Fr: um excuse me
S: who me
Fr: no Casper yes you anyway why are you glaring at me
S: I wasn't
Fr: uh huh anyway I have some bad news
T: this day can't go bad
Fr: your moving to New Orleans
T: huh
Fr: that's where you REAL family lives
F: Frankie your leaving-I mean tomika your leaving
T: are you serious
F: (nervous laugh)
S: I can't believe you
F: what I'm doing nothing wrong
Fr: I'm sorry it's not my choice also when you go back to school on Monday your gonna get detention
T: why
Fr: this Clark guy was bothering me so I thought him a lesson
She smirked
T: what did you do
Fr: I may have made it look like he was on his period I even took a picture
She showed us a picture of him on the floor and he had blood in the area
F: damn girl
Fr: people should know who there messing with a girl who once spent her birthday in a jail sell
T: you what
Fr: me and Louie we're hanging out and I sorta got arrested
F: who's Louie
He said sounding jealous
Fr: oh he's my best friend tomika he was the guy in the ice cream place
T: oh yeah I forgot you were SINGLE
I said hinting at freddy 
Fr: weird
F: well it's late I'm goin home
Fr: tomika can I stay with you
T: you can stay with Freddy
Fr: why
T: cause I said so
Fr: ok Freddy where's your house
F: not far
They left summer was glaring at me And zack kissed my cheek
L: bye guys
T: bye lawbear
Z: lawbear?
L: bye
He and summer left zack looked at me
Z: lawbear?
T: uh
I grabbed his collar and kissed him roughly
Frankies POV
Me and Freddy we're walking to his house
Fr: can't..walk...anymore
F: hop on
I got in his back and he carried me to his house
Fr: where are your parents
F: I'm home alone for awhile
Fr: oh that's sad
F: meh
Fr: what do you wanna do
We watched a few movies, I think I might like him at one point he turned off the tv
Fr: hey
He lifted me up so we were standing
F: your leaving tomorrow right
Fr: yeah?
He kissed me I kissed back we started making out
F: jump
I did as told he caught me so my legs were wrapped around his waist he carried me to his room without breaking the kiss and you know what happens next
Fr: baby I'm sore
F: won't stop me
He went harder and faster
Fr: (moans) Freddy
F: nope
I bit my lip
Fr: daddy
He got off me I just gave up my virginity WOW
F: well I barely know you and i already did it with you
Fr: this is a situation I never thought I'd be in
We started cuddling then Louie popped in...shit
L: hey Frankie tomika said- WHAT THE FUCK
R: what's going on
Mi: I'm gonna kill him
F: babe you ok
Fr: Freddy I'll be right back
He squeezed my waist
Fr: I mean daddy
F: good girl
This made them mad I got his shirt on

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