It all started at the party

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Tomikas POV
I was at a party when I saw Freddy I rolled my eyes we used to be friends but he became popular and pushed me away and it sucks cause I used to LOVE him I had the biggest crush on him
S: hey tomix
T: hey
Z: alright time for spin the bottle
Zack who is one of Freddys friends said
T: might as well
I sat down we got in a circle after a few turns it was Freddys turn
T: I feel bad for the poor girl
He spinned it landed on me
T: great imma have herpes now
Everyone laughed
F: hell no
A: bro you have to
T: I'm out
?: do it do it do it
We rolled our eyes we leaned in and kissed it lasted a few seconds I pulled away and sat back down
T: imma go boil my mouth
Everyone laughed and I went to the bathroom I rinsed my mouth out and went back
T: where's the jackass-I mean freddy
He wasn't there
Z: uh he went home said he wasn't feeling well
T: ok just means I won't get infected
I sat down
We were at a football game freddy was the quarter back and he was failing SO HARD
Coach: BREAK
They went to the side I went down pissed
T: Freddy what the hell was that
F: mika-
T: ewww don't call me that get your head in the game man
F: but-
I slapped him
T: your on the team for a reason
F: but-
T: your gonna get cut if you don't step up your game and EVERYONE will hate you
F: I only care about one person hating me
T: who gives a shit about that person man up get out there and play
F: just listen-
He grabbed my waist I tried getting out of his grip but he wouldn't let go
T: Freddy get the hell away from me
F: to-
T: I hate your guts Freddy
He looked crushed when I said that
F: please mika-
Coach called him back he went in he played A LOT better he was throwing everything and made 4 touchdowns YES the boys high fived me but he would suck everytime I stopped cheering him on
T: I think it's a coincidence he sucks when I stop cheering him on
Z: that's no coincidence your the girl
T: what
?: earlier he was talking about a girl who wouldn't even look his way and now that your cheering him on hes suddenly good no fucking way he's in love with you man
T: he abandoned me how could he-
?: fits the description more how you won't look his way he didn't say the name he just blushed everytime we brought it up
T: your crazy
?: he's crazy for you he said she had flawless skin, eyes as deep and beautiful as a sunset, and a body that any guy would want under them he also said she had dark brown short hair and brown eyes
T: shit
Z: and can we not forget he said that they we're friends as kids
T: we were but-
Entire football team including coach: YOUR THE GIRL
My eyes widen the game ended we won
Z: you gonna talk to him since yesterday he SAID he was sick but walked out depressed
?: probably cause you said all those mean things
He smiled at me I felt my knees getting weak and my heart flutter I do NOT like him I ran out I ran home he looked sad when I got in my parents we're on the couch
Td: you look tired
I burst out crying they comforted me I told them everything
Tm: oh honey
Td: anything else
T: I'd rather not say in front of you
Td: why
T: it's the way he described me to his friends
Td: how bad can it be
T: he said I had flawless skin, eyes as deep and beautiful as a sunset, and a body that any guy would want under them
My mom tried to hold in a laugh as I said the last part my dads eyes deepened with hatred
T: dad-
Td: what happened to daddy
T: who knows I might call him that in the future
His jaw dropped I smirked and my mom burst out laughing I high-fived my mom and went to my room
The entire football team except Freddy dragged me to the boys locker room
T: ewww
The coach was there to
Z: so
T: what
L: what are you gonna tell freddy
T: I'm not gonna tell him anything leave it alone
?: seriously
C: he's a mess without you we need you so he can play better
T: if he liked me he'd say it to my face
Freddy came in he looked shocked to see me
T: I'm gonna go
F: wait can I talk to you
T: sorry can't
Every boy in the locker room: OH COME ON
I ran out freddy looked crushed throughout the day he tried to talk to me but I ran away at the end of the day he looked heartbroken I felt bad but I just can't face him
F: mika please just talk to me
T: sorry got to-
The entire football team was behind me freddy was confused he doesn't know I know
F: what the fuck
?: she knows
F: knows what
T: I'm the girl
His eyes widen but his expression turned to sadness he walked out not saying a word
?: you fucked up bad
T: yup
I ran out after him but he was gone
I ran to his house I noticed a note on the table
Freddy were going to be out for the next two weeks when you read this we'll be on the plane for a business trip
I went upstairs he was on his bed staring at the ceiling
T: hey
F: what
He said annoyed
T: Freddy-
F: you found out I fucking loved you and you couldn't even say it to my face that you didn't like me back
T: that's cause I didn't know what I was feeling
F: well save me the humiliation and leave now
T: but-
T: please just-
F: I never wanna see you again
T: just listen to-
F: I don't Give a fuck about what your going to say nothing can-
I smashed my lips on his we layed down and you know what happens next

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