I didnt do it

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I didnt do it one shot

Lindys POV
I'm having a party Garrett didn't come though
?: woo
L: your having fun
?: well I have a cousin who's hella boring so I'm making it a night I won't remember
N: I like her
?: I'm tomika
L: lindy
T: if anyone asks I'm a good girl cause that's what he thinks
She walked away she KILLED it at the kareoke machine she made out with a boy and beat everyone at beer pong
Lo: she's my soulmate
After the party she helped clean up and we all talked
T: god I hate my cousin
N: why?
T: well he's so boring and overprotective and I'm meeting his friends tomorrow it's probably a chess club
S: (laughs) we got another guy like that
T: who is-
Her phone dings
T: oh I have to go bye guys
N&L&S: bye
She left
We're hanging out in the basement when Garrett comes in
G: guys I have someone I want you to meet
Lo: who
G: come in
A girl walks in it's TOMIKA
T: shit
T: I said that out loud didn't I
Lo: (farkle laugh) this is your cousin
G: huh
Lo: she was at the party last night
L: Logan
Lo: and the entire time she was complaining about her boring cousin and how lame he was
S: Logan
L: oh and that guy she made out with
G: we're talking right now
T: how about instead I
She runs out and we hit Logan
S: nice going
Lo: what
We're in Texas for a gig when we see TOMIKA
L: Tomika?
T: omg guys?
We all hug we talk for awhile she's SO COOL
?: tomiks who's this
We see a Korean boy,a blonde,someone with great hair,and a nerd
T: guys this is-
S: wow that's a lot of hairgell
T: Sierra
?: it's cute btw I'm summer
S: she thinks it's cute? Oh she's the dumb one I should have known from the blonde hair
L: SIERRA i apologize she's....something else
N: we're the normal ones- and omg a victorious secret
Lo: oh no
L: correction were the normal ones
I put my hand on the boys
Lo: dont touch me
He ran away
Lo: balloon
He chased after the balloon
L: ok I'm the normal one
T: she's the only sane one you would like her summer and Freddy you and logan would be best buds
F: huh I wasn't listening I was looking at the balloon
T: (sighs)
T: Lawrence you should know garret
La: it's not that one is it
We look and see him running around in circles
T: it's him
La: (groans)
T: well I'm bored
La: I'm just touching your shoulder
G: ewww
We laughed and walked away

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