Prolouge pt.1

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Trigger Warning!: Blood, Death, Suicide, Knives

There will be a notice of when it starts and when it ends so you can skip over it if you would like to.

(Y/N) POV~

I was on my way home after a long day of 1st grade. Well home isn't the right word, it's more like the place where I have to stay because my 'parents' have to 'take care' of me. They honestly do nothing to help me other that giving me a roof to sleep under. But I understand it's not like they wanted me anyways.

When I get off the bus and to the door I expect to hear mommy and daddy yelling at each other, like they always do, but for once it's quiet. I open up the door to see the most horrific thing I've seen in all my seven years of life.


Inside the house is daddy lying face down on the floor, all bloody. He has stab wounds in his back and he isn't breathing. By this point I have tears streaming down my face. When my eyes venture further inside of the house I see a trail of blood leading to the kitchen. I'm terrified but I somehow get my feet to move, and make my way to the follow the trail.

When I am in the kitchen I see a shadow on the floor, and look up. But then I see mommy, hanging from the ceiling from a rope, and a bloody knife on the floor. I fall to the floor screaming and crying, because this is when the realization hit me. Mommy and daddy are gone, and I'm all alone.


Guess who point of view!~

Walking home from my patrol, I hear screaming and crying. "Shit" I mumble as I start to rush towards the sound and then I realize that the screams are those of a child. I start to run faster to get there in time. While I'm running I call for back up. When I reach the source of the cries, they have died down and I'm in front of a small house with the door ajar.

 I walk in I see a dead body, and a trail of blood. Then I hear soft crying from what I'm assuming is the kitchen.

"Hello? Im the pro hero Eraserhead, I'm here to help you" I call out, as I proceed to the kitchen. Then I hear a tiny, almost angelic voice, come from the small (h/c) haired child, who seems to be wrapped in a white blanket on the floor.
"please help me, mommy and daddy are-" she chokes out a sob and finishes her sentence "are gone, they're gone and I'm scared!"

I go over and crouch in front of her, and on closer inspection, what I thought was a blanket, are snow white wings.
"Don't worry, more help is on the way. In the mean time, can you tell me your full name and what happened?"
She lifts her head up at and my heart almost breaks. She looks at me with puffy (e/c) eyes that look so scared and pained, that are sparkling with tears. Her (s/c) skin is all blotchy with how much she had been crying, and she has tear stains running down her face.

With the same small voice as before, she begins to tell me that her name is (y/n) (l/n) she is seven years old, and then proceeds to tell me what happened. As she continues her story, I have the urge to scoop her up in a hug and take her away so I can protect her from all the bad things in life, but obviously can't do that.

As she continues with her story, an ambulance and the police arrive at the scene. I stand up, and (y/n) does as well. As I start to walk towards the door to tell the police what is going on, I feel a tiny hand grab ahold of my shirt. I turn around and see that (y/n) has a death grip on my shirt. Seeing the fear on her face, I decide it's probably best to carry her out.
"Would it be ok if I pick you up? We need to go outside to see the police and get you checked up on bye the EMTs"
In response I get a nod as she reaches her arms out so I can pick her up.

Third person POV~

As Eraserhead exits the house, a police officer come over to ask him about what happened.
"I'll explain in a minute, let's just get her over to the ambulance to make sure she is alright"
When the officer heard what he said, he realized their was a little girl in his arms.
"Oh! Yes, of course. The ambulance is this way" he says as he leads them over to the EMTs.

Time skip to after the police know what happened~

(Y/n) and Eraserhead are at the police station and they are trying to figure out where she is going to stay.

"I'll take her"

Everyone turned to Aizawa with a shocked look on their faces. No one was expecting the stoic, underground hero to voluntarily take care of a child! But after he said he would take care of her, things moved rather quickly. They sent a police officer to pick up her belongings and to bring them to Aizawa's house.

When Aizawa took (y/n) to his apartment, the ride was rather quiet other than when he told (y/n) that she can call him Aizawa since he would be taking care of her. When they finally got there, Aizawa took her stuff and moved it into the spare room which he will now have to convert into a little kids room, but he didn't really mind.

Aizawa then proceeds to make (y/f/f) for dinner.
When he finishes he calls you to the table, and you eat in silence, until (y/n) starts to speak.

(Y/N) POV~

I clear my throat and the start to talk
"Thank you for helping me, I-" My voice cracks and all that come out are sobs, and I can't stop.
I hadn't noticed that Mr. Aizawa had gotten up until he had encased me in a hug.

"It's alright, your safe, I'm here for you"

He keeps comforting me until he picks me up and takes me to my room where I fall into a dreamless sleep.
Authors note
So this is my first fanfic, so please give me feed back. Also sorry if this sucks! I will be getting to the main plot in the next few chapters, so yeah! Also If there are any guys you want to see as a love interest please comment!

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