To The Boss

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Archer's (Y/N) POV

I did tell her to wake up at dawn but SHE'S STILL SLEEPING! now it's almost noon *sigh* goddamn it.

Archer (Y/N): Hey kid wake up

i tug her cheek

Silica: eh? eh? EHHHHHHH!!!!

Silica: W-wha-what time is it????

Archer: It's almost noon idiot, we were suppose to be gone hours ago

Silica: s-so-sorry


Archer (Y/N): Whatever, get your stuff and lets go

Silica: Yes!

NPC: Thank you and please come back again!

Archer (Y/N): Do you need to buy any potions or anything?

Silica: I don't think so, i think i'm good

we headed to the gates and made our way to the road.

Silica: Um...

Archer (Y/N): What?

Silica: I just remembered that i never asked for your name yet

damn, i knew this would come eventually

Archer (Y/N): I don't have one anymore... and i don't really remember it, not that i care for it anyways

She was shocked

Silica: I-i-i don't know what to say.. i'm sorry..

Archer (Y/N): Don't be

Silica: Also what is up with your hair and skin color are they actually like that?


Archer (Y/N): Yes this is my actual hair color and my actual skin tone

Silica: How did it happen?

Archer (Y/N): Sorry but i don't feel like talking about that, i have my own secrets too ok?

Silica: sorry..

I spot a couple of wolves blocking the road, well it looks like we have to take care of them before we can proceed

I put my hand out to stop Silica

Silica: Whats wrong?

Archer (Y/N): Wolves

she looks and cowers back, her feet is trembling.

i guess i don't blame her, the news is still affecting her

Archer (Y/N): Don't worry these wolves aren't that bad they are basically your level, they'll be easy for you to kill

Silica: But i don't know how to fight..


Archer (Y/N): But you were swinging the dagger that i gave you pretty easily

damn it ugh..

Archer (Y/N): I'll guide you besides you need the experience and the money to get stronger, unless you want to stay weak i'm fine with that also

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