The World Of Swords

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Archer (Y/N)'s POV 

The next thing i saw when i opened my eyes was a town full of people, it was packed as hell and everyone was talking with each other

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The next thing i saw when i opened my eyes was a town full of people, it was packed as hell and everyone was talking with each other. Some of them was talking about joining some kind of party


 Archer (Y/N): Party huh? so there is something like that in this world it seems

I look around to ask for information

Archer (Y/N): Hey you what is this place?

the stranger looked at me weirdly

Stranger: That is some weird clothes and a avatar you got there mister are you a beta tester? did you already grind the hell out of the game already? 

What? i understand my clothes because humanity has never found out about it yet but this is how i actually look like and also beta tester?

I give him a serious look

Stranger: Alright alright calm down no need to get violent, jeez.. i can't believe you don't even know this but this is the town of beginning. The name is pretty much self explanatory, every fresh spawn always spawns here when they die or logout depending on where they are

Archer (Y/N): I see

I proceeded to walk down the busy street but while i was doing that many people were giving me the eye like i was some kind of foreigner.

???: Hey who is that?

??? #2: I don't know he doesn't seem to have a life bar or anything

??? #3: He looks really strong, we should try to get him on the party 

??? #4: He looks pretty hot too..

Dumb asses i thought

???: Hey you!

i turned and look at them

???: Do you want to join our party???

Archer (Y/N): No

???: But--


Archer (Y/N): I am not going to join your party so go screw yourself mate

???: wha...t..???

i turned into a alley and jumped on top of a building. Guess these clothes makes me stand out a little too much *sigh*, oh well these are my favorite anyways no way am i changing them.

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