Chapter 41: Happiness Begins...

Depuis le début

Melissa: yes sir

Paul gets up to grab the house phone and Melissa slowly text  Harley a message while having her phone in her pocket.

Dad: hey Michael, it's Paul here, is your daughter at home by any chance? She just came into the house, can you ask her where's she's been?... thanks Michael... oh really? Thank you, that's all the confirmation I needed. Yeah everything fine, your daughter did nothing wrong, this is about my daughter. Alright bye *hangs up*
Melissa: well?
Paul: well he said she's been with you this whole time, you're off the hook for now
Melissa: *sighs* in relief* thanks dad
Paul: you sneak out of the house again, your butt will be burning with my belt, you understand me?
Melissa: yes sir
Paul: now go finished packing

Melissa sighed in relief knowing she got past that with Papa J before she headed upstairs.

Melissa's POV
My family and I made it to Miami the next day, and we were staying at the hotel with the rest of the family. I was hanging with Nick, Pri and Frankie, since Joe kind of still mad at me that I lied to him about the friends with benefit thing so we have been avoiding each other.

I've been texting Harley and Dylan in our group chat when my phone been confiscated from my hand.

Melissa: *whines* Nicky! Pleaseeee....
Nick: Melissa... you have been on the phone since we got here, time to put it away
Melissa: *baby talk* I don't wanna *pouts*
Nick: then the phone goes in my bag, and you won't get it back until the end of tour
Melissa: *hugs him, baby talk* pleaseeee... Nicky. I will die without my phone. I promise to pay attention more
Nick: good, say hi to Sophie and Joe, who just walked in, they will be bringing you to the venue
Melissa: why can't you?
Nick: my car is already full with Pri and her friends, whatever going on with you and Joe work it out

I pouted at him and he gave me look and went to put my phone in his bag and I grabbed that hand and said.

Melissa: okay! Okay! Can I have my phone back
Nick: go greet Joe and Sophie

I sigh pouting and went over to Joe and Sophie who were talking to Pri.

Melissa: hi Sophie *hugs her*
Sophie: hi Mel, *hugs back and takes a look at her* is it me or is something different about you
Melissa: what do you mean?
Sophie: you look mature
Melissa: I do? I still act the same
Sophie: and you look like you lost tons of weight, have you been eating, your not anorexia are you?
Melissa: I'm fine Sophie, nothing changed about me since the last you saw me
Sophie: good, let's keep it that way
Melissa: *looks at her brother* hi Joe
Joe: *not looking at her, and at his phone* hey
Melissa: uh... okay... 

I noticed Pri and Sophie exchanged looks and Sophie said.

Sophie: Joe, your sister saying hi to you, greet her
Joe: I did greet her Soph
Sophie: what are you doing on your phone?
Joe: twitter, fans are so excited about the show tonight
Sophie: well we are with your family and you're supposed to be socializing with them
Joe: fine...
Melissa: it's fine Sophie, no matter what he says, he still gonna stay mad at me
Pri: what are you two fighting about anyways?
Melissa/Joe: where not fighting!
Sophie: then why are you two avoiding each other
Joe: why should I trust anything that comes from her mouth, all she's gonna do is lie to my face anyways
Melissa: that's not fair Joe, plus I had to lie, I couldn't tell the people the truth, you know how that would made me look to the public
Nick: what is she talking about Joe?
Joe: *ignores him* I don't care about you lying to the fans. I care that you lied to me. You never lie to me like that before, you have always been honest with me
Melissa: like you're are any better. I bet there's tons of secrets you never told me, and you don't see me get mad at you for it
Joe: cause I never lied to you Melissa
Melissa: *scoff* yeah right, your lying to me right now. Look Joe, I'm sorry I lied to you, but you have to understand, that I'm not gonna always come to you guys when I have an issue. Do you guys come to me when you have an issue?
Joe: I guess not
Melissa: okay then, then understand why I don't come to you about this
Joe: Melissa, I'm always going to look after you because I'm your older brother, it's what I do
Melissa: *smiles* you still love me?
Joe: *roll eyes* of course
Melissa: *smiles and hugs him* I love you Joe
Joe: I love you too *hugs back*
Nick: I'm glad you two works things out. What was the issue to begin with? I'm still confused.
Joe: trust me Nick, you do not want to know
Nick: will I eventually know?
Melissa: when I'm ready, you'll know *smiles*
Nick: okay...
Sophie: *gasp* nooo... pleaseeee tell me it's not what I think it is
Melissa: *nods head* yes
Sophie: but your so young
Melissa: I know
Nick: what is it?
Sophie: trust me Nick, Joe's right, you do not what to know
Nick: I hate you guys
Joe: we better head down to the venue
Melissa: okay

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