Part 10: Thank You & I'm Sorry

Start from the beginning

"Yes-yes. I will not bring him with me."

"Then, I will get going now."

"Alright. See you later."

We bid each other goodbye before he disappeared behind the glass door.

And then, J neared me and asked about my brother. "What is your brother want from you? Is he borrowing your money, again?"

"Not this time, J. He just came to tell me to go home this weekend. My mother wanted to have a family dinner."

"Oh! Really? Then, that's a good thing, right? But why do you have that kind of worried complexion wrapped on your face?"

Did she notice it?

"Of course, I would be worried. Because my mother purposely organizes that dinner to know about the progress of my wedding preparation."

Once I mentioned to J about the hidden agenda of my family dinner, her eyes changed in a second.

"Now, you know why I was worried as hell."

"Then, how are you gonna tell them? But, wait a minute... Ayden still didn't decide on anything yet, right?"

"I will get his answer by tomorrow. It's passed a week, already."

She patted on my back before said, "I hope that everything going well with both of you. So that, you don't have to worry about coming home this weekend."

"No, J! You can't wish like that."

"HUH?! What's wrong with me wishing for my friends to be together again?"

"It's wrong because I don't want Ayden to forgive me. I need Ayden to break up with me."

Upon listening to 'my doesn't make sense' rumble, J was looking rather shocked and jaw-dropping.

She placed both of her palms on my cheeks and squeezed them tightly.

"What the hell are you doing, J? It's hurt you know." I ranted.

Then, she fused out at me. "It's you that got wire detached or broke inside your brain. What the hell are you doing, Blue?! Why you so eagerly wanted Ayden to break with you? I totally do not understand you."

"I have explained it to you before, didn't I? There's nothing to discuss anymore, J. This is the decision that... I will never change."

"Nope! You explained nothing to me. If you do, why would I bother asking for your explanation over and over? " Said J while crossing the arms over her chest.

"J, please... I'm begging you. Please don't make things harder for me. I'm begging you." I begged her while hanging both of my palms facing each other above the air, in front of J.

And I know, this tactic can melt her heart. Even tho, J looks tougher on the outside, but she does have a heart as soft as the pudding on the inside. She can't refuse it if someone begs for her.

"Okay-okay. I will not ask anything after this. You are on your own now. I will just keep quiet and watch you from afar. OKAY?!"

"Thanks, J. I know you're my very very very good friend."

"There's no need to flutter me. Go take a rest first. You've been practicing so hard. And don't forget to eat your dinner. I had bought something for you."

"Okay, J. Thank you so much. I love you, J"

[Ayden POV]

I was enjoying my dinner with McKellen at my favorite restaurant when a message popped up on my locked screen.

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