Part 3:Our love story (Cont.)

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A/N: Hi there my dear lovely readers. I think I've rested for quite a long time. And, I'm sorry for those who keep looking forward to reading my novels. I sincerely apologize for not updating the new novel for the past few months.

As usual, forgive me for any grammatical errors. And, I hope that my dear lovely readers will keep on supporting me and this new novel. 

Happy reading :)

[Ayden POV]

After a few weeks later, both McKellen and I, we have stop mentioning the mysterious singer. He’s already off the topic. But not until that very night when I wanted to hang out at the pub.

It was weekend, and I’ve got nothing special to do. The only thing that crossed my bore mind at that time was to hang out at the usual. I went to knock at McKellen’s door which is just opposite to mine.

Yes, we’re living together. And, sometimes I would sneak into his room and sleep with him or I would ask him to accompany me.

“Eli? Can you please go with me? I’m bored to death right now.” I said out loud as my hand kept on banging on his door.

And then, he opened the door. His face was contorted with worry. I wonder what had happened. Without me asking him, he was ready to tell me.

“My grandfather was admitted. I need to go and see how he is doing.” His voice shaken.

I know how important his grandfather to him. Because, his grandfather is the only family he had other than me.

“Yes, of course. You need to go and see him. Do you want me to go with you?”

“No, it’s okay. I will call you if there’s anything.”

“Alright! Just don’t worry about me, and take care of him…okay?” I said while giving a tap on his shoulder.

“Thanks. I will leave now.”


And… I was being left alone. This lonely thing wasn’t my cup of tea. So, I decided to go to the pub alone. At least, I could drink as much as I can and feed my mind with the nice songs at the pub, which was much better than drinking by myself in this apartment.

As I walked pass the main door of the pun, all eyes were on me. I was certain that it wasn’t because of my outfit but it was because I walked inside alone without my other half stood next to me.

They must wonder where McKellen has been to. I paid no attention towards them and went straight towards my usual seat. It was a table that near to the stage. Since I love to listen to the music, that’s the solid reason why I like that spot.

Once I took my seat, the waiter already served my favourite drink on the table. It was classic gin and tonic with extra lime.
When I was enjoying the drink and the song, my tranquillity being disturbed by the presence of big, fat Casanova. In which I despised a lot.

“Hi, handsome.” He greeted me, uninvited.
I ignored him, acted like I didn’t see his presence.

“It is unusual to see you sitting here all alone. Where’s your other-half?” He doesn’t give up. He was trying to make me talk to him.

Again, I didn’t answer him.

Why the hell out of other night, I would bump into him this very night when McKellen wasn’t around.

“I see you always drink that…what about we exchange our drink. Mine is also taste good.” Another round of trying in the episode of ‘making Ayden to talk to the Casanova’.

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