a nonchalant laugh, "i know, that's why i want her awake stupid" billie looks at isaac and shrugs "dani are you sure?" she nods and the man exhales. walking over to the couch and placing her down, she immediately gets comfortable, causing billie to let out a laugh. "i'm so sorry" isaac whispers to her before getting up and walking back to where his twin and billie stand next to eachother. dani walks over to her and kneels down. in sync, elijah and isaac turn around "i can't look"

billie laughs "it can't be that bad" meanwhile danielle shuffles around the sleeping girl "maddieee" she only grunts causing them all to laugh "bitch, get up" there's a sudden loud slap and the twins turn just in time to see maddie open her eyes and swing her fist towards danielle's face. she's able to dodge it, leaving her sitting in front of madison in pure shock. the girl brings her hand up to her cheek as her eyebrows furrow and tears form in her eyes.

"what the fuck was that for?!" danielle stands up "chill, i just wanted you to wake up" everyone watches as madison gets up from the couch, still holding her cheek. finneas steps foward just in case she tries to throw another punch. she doesn't even take the time to look around and see who she's with or even where she is. "you didn't need to slap me!" she pushes past isaac and elijah, making her way down the hall and toward the first room she sees. billie turns "i'll go get her" the blue haired girl follows her and the rest of the group look at danielle "smooth"

brandon can't stop laughing but only does stop when danielle hits his arm "shut the fuck up, at least she didn't hit me" isaac rolls his eyes as finneas shakes his head, finishing his bag of salted popcorn. "not a good first impression, but it wasn't bad either" claudia gets up from another couch, shrugging "i would've loved to see dani get knocked out, her swing was fast i can't believe you dodged that" she laughs then runs into the kitchen, danielle chasing after her

madison was mad that danielle slapped her. she wondered why the twins even brought her to their house. she walks into billie's red lit room, taking her shoes off and laying down on the bed. the fluffy blanket warms her while her cheek is still in pain as she rubbed it, tears falling from her eyes. the light flicks on, the tint of red disappearing as the normal light filled the room. "guess you made yourself at home" a chuckle causes madison to roll her eyes "very funny" there's a small sigh "are you okay?"

she feels the bed go down and looks to her side to find billie. in obvious shock, she takes a second look around the room and finally realise that it's not hers. sitting up, she rubs her eyes. "sorry, i thought this was my room. the twins said they were gonna take me home before they came here" billie nods "i know. i told them you could sleep here if you'd like but dani wanted to get you mad, i didn't think she was going to hit you, but that swing? goddamn"

"it's not my fault, i like sleep" billie chuckles and nods, agreeing with the younger. "sorry for walking in here" the other shrugs "don't be, i would've done the same" madison goes to say something but stops when billie's eyes meet hers. the shade of blue was a clean match with her hair, and madison feels as if she's getting lost. billie smiles softly "we're gonna watch a movie soon, do you wanna join?", "isn't it late?" the older girl shakes her head "it's going on to ten"

madison looks at her in disbelief "ten?!" billie laughs and nods. she smiles and billie puts her hand out and the younger takes it. "billie.. this is gonna sound really weird but um. can i take a shower?" the older pauses for a second, as if she's trying to find an excuse to have her not use the shower, or better yet to join "oh, yeah sure" she walks madison to the bathroom. "i'll get you a towel and you can go through my shit when you get out" madison only smiles as billie leaves.

the older walks into the livingroom, forgetting what she's doing for a second. isaac gets a text and gets up from the couch, "i gotta go somewhere, i won't be long. claudia, come for a ride?" claudia shrugs "if you're not going to kill me for dani then sure" she laughs, kissing her boyfriend and getting up from the couch. billie raises an eyebrow "where y'all going?" without hesitation isaac shrugs "tacobell" before billie cam even mention postmates both of them are out the door.

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