Important Author's Note and Extra Q&A's

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I have recently been receiving a lot of comments and private messages stating that Thalia is too strong. I do realize that, and intended to make her like that, but I also have some weaknesses about her that will be revealed in the sequel. (If I revealed them in the preview or the Q&A, the story plot hinted in the preview, would've been ruined.) I just wanted to let some of you know that.

"Just because someone looks like the strongest and best, doesn't mean they actually are. Never assume," -- Minecrafter2098

That was just a quote I wanted to share with you all. It's a quote that I tell people a lot in real life because they think of me as "Ms. Perfect" because they think I do and choose everything right and is the smartest and never gets anything wrong. (I hate that stereotype of being "perfect".)

Also, I have made a deal with @FanfictionRanger, of Wattpad, to add her character Indigo Star into this sequel, so just as a disclaimer, Indigo Star is not my character. By the way, I am not trying to copy from @PrinceJai, of Wattpad, because we all, @FanfictionRanger, @PrinceJai, and I, use Indigo Star in our Fanfictions. I just wanted to make that clear.

Anyway, I have also added a couple more Q&A's about Thalia because, since I copy all of these lengthy chapters into my other account my computer crashes so, I couldn't write a bunch of Q&A's. This is worth reading because Thalia is a deep, ambiguous character and I think, from the drafts I have written so far, that Thalia is a hard character to grasp because she hides a lot emotions and secrets from the rebels...


Q: Do you have any friends your age?
A: One, her name is Indigo Star. She's fifteen, I'm sixteen, so we're close. Just like me, she lost her parents and is a runaway rebel. By the way, she can control the elements--all of them--which makes her a really cool friend.

Q: How did you and Indigo Star meet?
A: When I began to live with my master, we went to Tatooine, which was Indigo's home planet. I was going into the market to find a healer to get my bionic leg fixed when I ran into her. Apparently, she was a talented healer. She fixed my leg and I gave her some yogans. Afterwards, we began to talk, we made some deals, and we promised to see each other soon. However, after Order 66 and my journey, I haven't spoken or seen her for years.

Q: Can Indigo use the force?
A: Yes, she can, however when she uses the force, I sense it and if feels different than from any other person using it. She is special. I've tried to persuade her to get taught by a Jedi, but she refused because she didn't want to make herself more of a target to the Empire. However, we negotiated and I taught her how to control the force and her emotions so nothing would go wrong. In fact, she was the one who helped me learn to control fire.

Q: If you run into her soon, would you like her to teach you more skills?
A: I'm actually not interested in control the elements because I feel like I would be damaging to the planet I was on. I'm going to keep myself on a limit to what I want to learn and what I don't want to learn. Earth and wind are much more powerful than people imagine. They make up most of the planet, and if anything went wrong while I'm bending them, I could kill many people. I want to help, not hurt.

Q: What do you think people think about you? Does it affect their actions? What do you think of yourself? Does this affect how you act?
A: Um...people think I am very lucky to have such powers and am very strong and powerful, so they often try to be a friend to get something out of me, like protection from the Empire. This is why I don't really trust many people or have many friends, but I like being a lone wolf, I truly do. I think of myself as just an average rebel, fighting against the Empire, but nothing really affects how I act with others...unless it's the Empire, then I have the tendency to act a little more aggressive.

Q: Have you met Mira and Ephraim Bridger before?
A: I have, once, when I was three. All I could remember was Mira's bright purple eyes.

Q: Which member of The Ghost can you relate to the best?
A: It's hands down, Sabine. She's a cool Mandalorian. I've never met anyone as expressive as her. Also, I've never seen someone who swore loyalty to the Empire quit and fight against them. That takes guts!

Q: Which member of The Ghost is most like you?
A: I suppose it would be Ezra. He's kind of like the boy version of me. We've been through similar situations, but we grew up differently. Unlike me, he has no discipline.

Q: What was the hardest thing for you to learn on the way to become a Jedi master?
A: It was controlling my power and emotions, because, one, I'm just an emotional person on the inside, and two, when I was really young I taught myself to get things using the force, so I was already exercising my powers, making them bigger and harder to control.

Q: Is there anything you'd like to change about yourself? If so, why?
A: I guess I'd like to change my eyes. People say that they're really cool and mysterious, but I'm very self-conscious, and sometimes, I constantly wonder about what they really think. Also, I can be a bit strict with other people because I was taught the way of the Jedi in a very traditional way, so I'm very old-school. I wish I could be a bit more relaxed like Caleb.

Q: What parts of you are bionic? Why are you part robot, what's the background story?
A: I have a little chip in my neck that connects to some nerves leading up into my brain and spinal cord. It stores memory and contains information and helps me with my right leg, which is bionic. My right leg is a different story. I was in training and I had just made my first lightsaber. My master was showing me how to use it and, one thing led to another, I accidentally cut my leg's embarrassing. The chip in my neck also controls my leg, so the nerves that were supposed to be there are replaced with signals to move to help me walk and etc..

Q: How did Order 66 change you?
A: It hit me hard. It was right after when my master was killed and when I was considered a Jedi Master. It really made me change my opinions about the world and universe as I knew it. Most of the Jedi were killed and it made me fall into a depression, honestly. The world was kind of crashing down into darkness...into the dark side. It was life-changing. It was a wake up call. It was the fruit basket from hell...

Q: Do you know how to fly a plane or ship? Are you licensed?
A: In fact, I do. I have my own mini ship that I...that I apparently stole. I was taught by my second mom, I believe. My second family lived in a ship, so I got a lot of practice. I was given a license after my master died because I decided to not a family anymore and to travel around to help overthrow the Empire in any way I could.

Q: Do you want to remain a lone wolf for the rest of your life?
A: No, I want to settle down one day, possibly have a family with some kids, but right now, during the Empire's reign, I'm not going to take that chance again.

Q: Who do you trust, the most?
A: I only trust me, my instincts, and Indigo. I don't fully trust Caleb because of his untraditional teachings of the way of the Jedi.

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