Chapter 5: Purple Diamonds

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"Thank you for purchasing."

"My master's pleasure."

Arthur held his gaze at the raven-haired butler, though he walked up to Y/N's side and whispered in her ear: "Milady, we must leave for home, I believe we do not have time to visit Cordelia right now- I need to tell you something urgent."

Y/N kept her gaze low, blinking in agreement to her butler. Alfred made eye contact with his brother for a second before he left the shop with Y/N. Ciel and Sebastian did the same not long later.

"Lady L/N, may I invite you to stay at the Phantomhive manor for a few days so it would be less of a hassle for you to travel back and forth between our meetings? Perhaps tomorrow?" Ciel suggested, keeping his straight face on, "Furthermore, I'd like to introduce you to Lady Elizabeth, she's quite the fan of your label."

"I accept your offer Lord Phantomhive," Y/N said, lifting her eyes to his, "though there's no need for you to 'introduce' Elizabeth to me."

Before Ciel could reply, Y/N spun on her heel and began to stroll back to her carriage down the street, Arthur following directly behind.

"Formidably stubborn isn't she young master?" Sebastian said, watching his master frown in confusion and slight annoyance at the girl, amused.

"She is. I just can't figure out the rest of her yet."


Y/N sat at her study desk, rubbing her temple.

Sebastian was not human, she was 99% sure about it. Arthur stood across from her, hands folded in front of him.

"Y/N, I'm not sure wether or not I should let you stay around the Phantomhive Manor. Especially with the likes of Sebastian around."

"But I'm sure he won't harm me, I take it that he strictly follows the orders of his master."

"Yes, I believe so too, but I find it quite a risk. I could sense the power radiating off of him, I swear. What if Ciel Phantomhive were to take a disliking to you?"

"Well then I'll have to take that risk. Besides, I have you don't I?" Y/N smiled at Arthur, "and you know how our contract works... I will live on for now Arthur, until the contract is finished."

"Sometimes I wish I didn't make that contract with you milady."

"You're a strange demon Arthur."

"I know that very well Y/N. After all, I'm soul-ly compatible with you, and only you mistress L/N."

Arthur's eyes glowed a toxic green, before turning back to normal once again.
Y/N could only smirk slightly at the sentence.

"Arthur, could you please prepare me for bed? I'm rather tired today."

"Of course Y/N."


Ciel looked at the gold necklace he had bought for Elizabeth.

She would surely like it indeed. Ciel sat up in his bed, looking out at the dawning sun, darkness seeping into the skies. Sebastian gently pushed the door open and walked in, holding a lit candle slowly melting in a candelabra in his hand.

"You should be getting ready to rest milord, Lady L/N will be arriving early tomorrow and so will Lady Midford."

"Yes, yes, I'll get into bed now."

Ciel got under his covers, Sebastian tucking him in.


"Yes young master?"

"Do you know something about Y/N- Lady L/N's butler Arthur? Something that I don't know?"
"Possibly." Sebastian smirked, standing up straight.

"I want to know."

"Very well milord. Arthur is not an ordinary butler," Sebastian's smirk grew wider, "now, goodnight young master."

Sebastian blew the candle out, placing it on Ciel's bedside table before leaving.

Ciel was left a little dumbstruck, another one? Another demon in a contract?

This was becoming more and more intriguing. The more he found out about Y/N, the more he wanted to know.

Ciel, stop digging into Y/N's business like this, especially when it has a very little chance of having anything to do with her missing family...

The young boy sighed. He would leave it all for tomorrow.


Sorry, this chapter was a little draggy >_< in the next chapter, Y/N will meet Lizzy, but it isn't for the first time XD I need to put more Sebastian time in my chapters.... He needs some more love in this fanfic.

***WARNING*** there will be a point in the story where there will be a time gap of a few years, AFTER Ciel becomes a demon~ that's when the x reader part REALLY start to kick off. These parts beforehand will leave little hints and stuff.

Yup this fanfic is gonna be draggy -_-

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang