Chapter 10

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Which one is the better?

Sooner or Later we get what we want but if we don't just remember HE has already planned out the best one for you.

Chapter 10:

Her blackish eyes, identical to her brothers swiped up and roamed side to side finding the one whom has recently pricked her interest. Abruptly finding no one her mood dropped.

She was sure she heard his deep, husky voice in the air but now that she looked up there was no one.

A frown along with a pout settled on her face realizing she might be hallucinating.

Great I have started to now imagine him! Then what dream? She scoffed at her thoughts. She would die before dreaming of a stranger whom she has encounter just once.

Still something fluttered inside her when she thought about seeing him again. He was a sight for sore eyes and that was for sure. Rough stubble on his pale skin, clenched jaw, hard high cheekbones and those orbs treasured inside the dark rayban aviators and those hard muscles hidden by the fabric. Even though she didn't really knew his frame she was sure that he was tall, broad, muscly. And that thoughts only made her fluttering increased.

Her sulking session was broken when Faisal snapped his fingers infront of her to break her trance.

"Hu-huh?" She stuttered trying to get her self out of the trance. She could feel heat crawling up to her neck.

"Are you ok?" He asked, worrying. If something were to happen to her under his watch then her brothers will have his head, raw.

When they reached the shopping mall they decided that they would shop alone but would meet when it's time for the meeting. Mansoor had grabbed his wife before disappearing and Mustafa dragged her away with him leaving both Faisal and Ameerah together. But not before receiving the warning eyes from both brothers. Their gaurds were too divided into three groups and followed them. Everyone including Mustafa had personal bodyguards that stayed with them like a shadow.

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