19: Safe and Sound

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The bright lights from above shone into his eyes. He tries to open them, but the light was too bright. He moved a finger, when suddenly a voice came from beside him.

"He's awake! Quick, call the doctor!" He tried moving, but his body was aching all over him. He finally gets used to the bright lights and he opens his eyes. He looks around him to see a bunch of people surrounding him.

He lets out a groan, and he finally manages to move his arm.

"Vincent?! Are you okay?"

The worried voice of Darryl surprises him. He lets out his first words. "D-Darryl?"

Vincent tries to sit, but he was still too weak. Instead, Darryl helps him to sit down. He sits down next to Vincent and holds his hand. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think." He nods. "But..." He looks at Darryl. "...why did you come all the way to France?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course we had to come to France! You would think that we would leave you alone, after contacting you for several week and no answer?" Vincent sighs. "I'm sorry you both had to go through all of that, just to save me." "No, don't be! You did nothing wrong. It was that stupid Alex that made you like this."

Sounds of footsteps running could be heard from his left. "VINCENT!" Zak was running as fast as he could and he almost trips. He reaches for Vincent's bed and hugs him tightly, that he almost couldn't breathe. "Z-Zak. I c-can't b-breathe—" Zak lets go of him and suddenly starts crying.

"I thought that I was gonna lose you!" Zak wipes his tears away. Vincent laughs and comforts him. "I'm here now. That's important." Zak hugs him again, but this time he was more gentle. Vincent rests his head on his shoulder. "Ehem." Jude speaks up behind Darryl. "Don't forget that we exist." Vincent lets go of Zak's hug and smiles.

He looks around him to see all of his friends gathered around him. "Hey guys." Clay wraps his arms around George's (NotFound) and Nick's shoulder. "It's good to see you, a6d." says Clay. "Good to see you too. Sorry you had to meet me in a horrible way." "Horrible?" Harvey crosses his arms. "That was, the most amazing way to meet someone. By saving their life." Vincent smiles.

"a6d, you forgot these." Arran hands him his pair of glasses. He wears them and now he could clearly see his friends. "Better?" George (Spifey) asks him. He nods. "What will happen to Alex?" Vincent asks. Dave steps out from behind. "I guess he'll be in jail for kidnapping and being abusive to you." "And for stealing your money." Jake continues. Vincent was confused. "My money?" Darryl squeezes his shoulder. "We'll talk about that later."

Zak looks behind him and nods. He looks back at Vincent and takes a deep breath. "Hey Vince, someone wants to meet you." Vincent looks at Zak and looks behind him. Zak moves to the left to let Vincent have a clearer view. He sees his childhood friend, Damien approach him.

"Hey, Centie."

Zak and Darryl look at each other. "Centie?"

"Ça fait longtemps. (It has been a long time.)" says Damien, holding Vincent's shoulder. "Oui, c'est le cas. (Yes, it has.)" They both laugh together. "Je me sens un peu bizarre de parler français avec vous, car nous parlions presque toujours anglais à chaque fois que nous nous rencontrions. (I feel kind of weird speaking french to you, since we almost always spoke english everytime we met.)" Vincent smiles, remembering his childhood, when he used to always hang out with Damien at his house. "Oui je suis d'accord.  Mais c'est la langue avec laquelle nous avons grandi. (Yeah, I agree. But this is the language that we grew up with.)" Damien nods. "Eh bien, je vais peut-être devoir vous laisser avec vos amis maintenant. (Well, I might have to leave you with your friends now.)" He gives Vincent a hug and smiles at everyone. He leaves them behind, walking away to the exit. As he walks away, he started forming tears in his eyes. He wipes them away and smiles.


Night finally fell at Annecy. Vincent was allowed to discharge from the hospital after getting some treatments for his body. He laid down on Zak's bed at the hotel, scrolling through Twitter for the first time after 3 months. He sees that his timeline was filled with people worrying about him. As he keeps scrolling, more and more tweets keep popping up. "Wow, a lot of people are worried about me." Darryl, who was stirring a cup of tea, sighed. "Of course they were worried, you muffin head! You went missing for 3 months!" Vincent smiled at scratched his head.

The door opens, revealing Zak, who looked pretty tired after running to go buy some porridge for Vincent to eat. "I...ran...as fast...as I could..." he panted, almost running out of breath. "Thank you, Geppy. You worked hard enough." Darryl says, giving the warm cup of tea to Vincent. Zak puts down the bowl of porridge on the table and flops on to Darryl's bed. He opens up his phone to see a notification from Vincent, who was just laying at the bed beside him. He opens up the message that read;


I love you. ❤

Zak looks beside him and smiles at Vincent. He replies him back with;

ily too ❤

Darryl goes out to the balcony to have a quick view of Annecy. The starry night sky really relaxed him after what has happened the past few days. Cars were moving along the roads, not too many, as it was already quite late. He takes out his phone to take a photo to commemorate this beautiful scenery, when he suddenly receives a message from Vincent.

He turns behind him to see Vincent going through Twitter, and opens up the message.


love you bad ❤

Vincent's short message really warmed Darryl's heart. He smiles and replies with a simple;

love you too <3

Darryl felt a touch on his shoulders. When he turned around, he sees Vincent wrapping his arms around his shoulder. On his right, Zak was leaning against him, and he closed his eyes, lettinf the wind blow on to his face.

"Hey." Vincent said. "If you both had one wish, what would it be?"

Zak sighs and smiles. "To live freely."

Darryl laughs. "Me? I would want to get rid of all the negativity in this world." He looks at Vincent. "What about you, Vince?"

Vincent looks at Darryl and looks back again at the city. He sees the beautiful sky, twinkling with the millions of stars up above. The moon shone even brighter today, and the wind was blowing even harder than before. The cars down below were now decreasing, and instead a lot of people started walking down the streets.

Vincent turns around to look at his two best friends, Zak and Darryl, enjoying the view like him. He moves in between them and holds their hands.

He felt safe and sound with them, and he says softly;

"Vivre avec vous deux. (To live with you two.)"


hi uwu (❁´◡'❁)

ahhh theres only one more chapter left and im so excited for the finale! (≧∇≦)/

thank you for the amount of support from you guys and the book is growing pretty quickly! im super proud of it and i hope you guys enjoyed it so far ヾ(^-^)ノ

thank you for reading and i'll see you next time. byeeeee <3333

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