8: Bonjour la France!

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The next morning, Zak wakes up in Darryl's house. The sounds of birds chirping fill the air as his house was near the forest. As he opens his eyes, the bright sun rays shone into his eyes. He stands up from the very comfortable bed to go get a drink. Outside waiting for him was Rat, Darryl's dog. She sat there, wagging her tail as she excitedly sees Zak. Zak smiles and picks her up. She was much smaller than Rocco, but both of them were as sweet.

"I see you're holding my dog." Darryl was watching them from afar. He walks towards them. "She seems to like you very much. Rat isn't always like this." Zak lets Rat down and puts his hands inside his hoodie's pockets. "Our flight leaves at 11 a.m. We should get ready." Darryl nods and goes to make coffee. "You drink coffee?" Darryl asks Zak. "Yeah, I do. Only, make mine slightly sweeter." "Got it." Zak goes to the kitchen counter top to sit down and eat some fruits. 

It was still silent between the two. They're still not use to meet each other in real life. It was quite awkward with each other. They knew each other for two years now, but it's as if they just met. Zak's phone notification filled the silent air.  He checked the notification to see a message from, Vincent? Zak almost choked on his banana and he quickly swallowed it. "Bad, a6d just messaged me!" Darryl dropped whatever he was doing and ran straight to Zak. They check the message together, but the message isn't what they expected. 


If you want your friend back, better hurry up. You have three days to find him. If you fail, bad things will happen to him. Good luck. ~A

They look at each other, terrified on what they think is happening. Darryl's eyes tremble and his face turns pale. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking...?" Zak asks, with fear in his voice. "Yes, and I wish it wasn't true." Zak stands up from the stool and stands in front of Darryl. "Bad, Darryl, this is our friend we're worried about. We have to get him." Darryl closes his eyes and nods. They both smile at each other to say that everything will be alright. As long as they have each other, everything will be fine.


The sound of airplanes coming from the airport makes Zak and Darryl, who just arrived, nervous. They are now standing in front of the main entrance and all they have to do is to check in, find their gate, board the plane and immediately fly to France. Darryl, who was not really into travelling in airplanes is nervous. Zak sees him almost going pale, and pats on his back. Darryl looks at Zak, who is flashing a heart-warming smile at him. He smiles back and they walk inside the airport. 

After checking in, security checks to even getting lost to find their gate, they finally arrived at the gate. Darryl goes to take pictures of the airplane that's taking them to France. He posted a photo of the plane on Twitter and captioned them, saying:

BadBoyHalo @SaintOfGames · Apr 26

Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars ✈🎶

Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars ✈🎶

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