puppy [mike]

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the wheeler family had recently just bought a new puppy; a tiny, adorable little white maltese.

it had a couple of days or so to settle into it's new home before i visited it, so it could get used to it's new surroundings. that's also why it was just me and not the whole party.

but today was the day that i could meet the dog. i was so excited since i wasn't allowed a puppy of my own.

knocking on the big wooden door of the wheeler's home, a bark immediately sounded from the other side of the door.

as the door swung open, i was greeted with mike holding the tiny puppy under his arm.

his fur was so fluffy, and he had the cutest chocolate brown eyes that seemed so eager and full of energy.

without even looking at mike, i automatically turned my attention to the dog.

"hiya my darling! look at you, you're so gorgeous!" my voice went into a high-pitched coo as i stroked the dog's head, i swear every girl's voice does that to babies and animals.

"thanks, y/n." mike joked, and then i realised i hadn't acknowledged him yet.

"of course you are too mike." i laughed and grinned at him as i kissed his cheek, and we both went into his living room. the house was empty, so we had to keep an eye on the dog.

the two of us sat on the sofa, with the puppy between us. it was laying its head on my lap, and the rest of its body on mike's lap.

"so what's his name?" i asked while stroking the dog's head. mike hadn't told me his name yet, and i was curious to find out.

"the terminator." mike replied, a huge grin on his face. i burst out laughing, it was hilarious.

the puppy was so sweet, fluffy and small, and he had such a monstrous name.

"you didn't." i was cracking up, and mike seemed really impressed with how funny i found the name.

"yeah i did!" mike nods and a huge grin spreads across his face, looking really proud of the name.

"mike you do know that when you have to take it on a walk, and you go to a park and let him off the leash, you will have to shout 'the terminator' across the park until he comes back?" i manage to say between laughs.

his expression dropped, obviously he hadn't thought it through.

"i thought it was funny! my mom and nancy weren't happy though, cause i already got him to learn his name." mike explains, still looking a bit sheepish as he scratched the back of his neck.

"can we give him some treats?" i ask mike, and the dog's head perked up at the word 'treats'.

not that much later, mike and i were sat on the kitchen floor feeding the terminator some treats and playing with him.

grabbing a treat from the box, i turned away from the dog and hid a treat in one of my hands.

as i turned back around, i clenched both of my fists and held them out towards the terminator.

"guess which one the treat is in." i told him even though i knew dogs can't understand me.

he sniffed around my hands, and kept sniffing around my right hand for longer, which i took as his guess for finding the treat.

i opened my hand, revealing the bone-shaped biscuit in it. the terminator quickly ate it out of my hand.

"well done my darling!" i praised him while i rubbed his fur and scratched behind his ears.

mike just watched me with the dog, smiling- and then started laughing when he jumped up and started licking my face.

i was laughing too, and picked him up and placed him back on the floor.

the terminator started sniffing around mike for more treats; he could smell the ones mike had in his pockets.

"he's such a sweetheart isn't he." i practically had heart-eyes for the dog, he was so adorable.

however whenever i said his name i just started to crack up. it was just so funny to call a puppy that.

the terminator ran around for a bit longer, fetching a ball and playing with other squeaky toys.

then he just stopped and squatted.

"mike..." i dragged out his name with a nervously suspicious tone.

"no no no!" mike realised what the terminator was doing, but he was already too late. "y/n what do i do?!" he shouted, panicking at the sight of the dog crapping on the floor.

"get the bags!" i yelled back, but then the sight of mike frantically trying to find the poo bags and the terminator taking a dump in front of me was very amusing.

"y/n help me! the terminator just took a massive shit on the kitchen floor." mike groaned, whilst making a disgusted face at the floor. "he's not so adorable now is he?"

he picked it up- not without grimacing at it- threw it away and began cleaning the floor whilst i just fed him some more treats.

the terminator began to look tired, he was only a few weeks old so i guess he wore out quickly.

his little legs trotted over to his bed- which was really disproportionate due to the small size of the puppy compared to the size of a bed for a fully grown dog.

the terminator curled himself up into a ball and slowly began to close his eyes, i could tell he was absolutely shattered.

eventually he drifted off into a peaceful sleep, leaving mike and i sat on the kitchen floor surrounded by dog toys, treat crumbs and poo bags.

(i really couldn't take this seriously everytime i wrote 'the terminator' as the dog's name).

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