Ch. 12: The USJ Battle

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So, first off is Thank You so much for 5k reads. I'm so happy right now! So, here is the next chapter!

Sorry if the battle scene isn't that good. I'm not very good at this stuff, but I'll try. . . and there will also be a lot of different POV's in this chapter, so beware. . .

But anyway, hope you enjoy it! :)


Bakugou's POV

'Villains, there are villains...'

I get sucked through what looks like a purple portal as everything turns black until I hit the cold hard ground.

'****, that hurts!'

I stand up and look around. I soon see ****** hair and a bunch of ******* villains coming our way.

I get up and proceed to face the villains before yelling my signature line, "DIE" and obliterating them with my power. I then, turn around to see ****** hair's fight about done. I go up to him, tap him n the shoulder and say a simple, "Let's go," as we proceed to leave the gray worn down building and head to the bigger fight.

Iida's POV

As the purple mist villain starts to explain their motives, I see most of my fellow classmates getting sucked up into what looks like a purple portal. I turn my head back and look at my surroundings. I see the purple mist villain, the pro-hero, Thirteen, and some of my classmates. Uraraka, Shoji, Mina, Sero, Sato, and myself. We all get into a battle stance and get ready to attack, but soon get stopped by the pro-hero.

"Everyone, stay back. This is dangerous." Thirteen says to us as she gets into battle. We stay on the sidelines as she opens one of the ports on her finger and starts to suck up the villain using her quirk, Black Hole. But, it ends up backfiring.

I see a portal open in front of the villain and one behind the hero as well.

"Watch out!" I yell, but I'm too late.

As she continues, she starts to suck up and turn a bit of herself to dust. At this point, I see that my classmates are preparing to fight, and I as well. We have to do something.

I launch forward as I jump and attempt to kick the villain, but it fails and I end up going through the villain as if it was a ghost. I look back and see that my classmates are having similar difficulties. As Mina and Sero go to shoot their quirks, it simply goes through and lands on the ground on the other side. As Sato goes for a punch, it fails as well.

I turn to Thirteen who is now on the ground recovering as she tells me to run and get help. I do as I am told and start to run towards the exit. I continue to run, but as I turn back, I see the villain following me, most likely to stop me from leaving. I continue to run and try to go faster, but find it hopeless as I find I'm getting closer and closer to me. That is until Uraraka came. She found a spot where she could actually touch(his neck gear) and made him float, making him unable to control where he was going. I waved to Uraraka in thanks and smashed the door to pieces as I escaped to get back up.

'I need to go fast, or else they will all get hurt. . . I must hurry. . .'

Izuku's POV

I launch myself forward towards the so-called 'Nomu' as it does the same. I quickly slide underneath its legs and stand up, pivoting my body to my left leg and kicking it on the side with my right leg. It slides back about 10 meters before launching back towards me. I waste no time as I draw 3 of my daggers and throw them. It gets hit but doesn't stop. The knives fall out of him as he runs my way, and the wounds start to heal instantly. I stand my ground as I freeze it with its shadow, but as seconds pass, I realize that it slowly moves, struggling against the grip of the shadows as it slowly makes its way closer and closer to me. Then, before I know it, it's in front of me, arm extended as it gets ready to release a punch. I don't have time to react as I quickly put both of my arms in front of myself causing them to receive the blow. I get shot through the air from the punch, blood seeping out of my left arm, now broken, and bleeding a lot. I quickly unravel my wings and stop myself from going any further. Looking down at the Nomu, I take 3 more daggers and aim it at its head once more as I start to make a shadow gun behind my back as well as 10 bullets.

'I'm using way too much of my quirk. . . but, this Nomu, it's an exception. By the looks of it, it looks like it has multiple quirks. Its skin is hard, and it's fast and strong from what I've seen, as well as a regeneration quirk. . . it might even have more, I have to be careful. This is going to be a problem. . .'

The Nomu dodges and I fall to the ground, loading the gun, and shooting towards the top of his head, the exposed brain. He dodges but does get slightly grazed by it. As it hits, he cries out and falls to the ground. I take the opening and load the gun yet again and fire three more shots, all going through the brain of the Nomu causing it to fall to the ground and stay there, not moving an inch.

Then, I hear a yell.

"What?!? How did you defeat it? That was created to kill All Might! How did some extra side character. . . a weak NPC like you beat it?!?" The blue-haired villain says to me. "I'll kill you, you *****" He continues as he starts to run towards me, forgetting all about his own battle.

'His mistake. . .'

I stand my ground as I know what's going to happen. Soon, my dad's gray capture scarf raps around him and throws him to the side in an attempt to knock him out, but before that could happen, a purple portal appears and engulfs the villain.

My dad releases the scarf from the villain and brings it back to him, then starts to inspect his injuries. Elbow: denigrated, head: bleeding and probably concussed, body: damaged and injured. I look behind me and see the blue-haired villain once again, a scowl on his face as well as the purple mist villain beside him. I get ready and go into my stance as I draw two of my longer neon green daggers, getting ready to fight yet again but not before creating a shadow dome with a small hole so that I can keep dad safe while he will still have a view of the place if something happens.

Shigiraki's POV

'Ugh, this kid, how could he beat the Nomu that Master created?!? It's impossible, just impossible. I don't believe it, I can't believe it. I'll kill him!'

I start to run forward and towards them, but get hit by three bullets.

"Aah. . ."

I look up to the entrance and see heroes, those disgusting bastards. Then, I see All Might, the number one hero, the symbol of peace, the one that I want to kill, the one I despise. I get in my stance and let some bloodlust leak out, but before I could do anything, Mamagi - I mean Kurogiri stopped me.

"Do not make a rash decision, or you will end up getting hurt. We must retreat right now. The Nomu is dead, and we are greatly outnumbered. We will kill All Might another day, but for now, we must go." He says to me.

I grunt in annoyance and walk away with him as we are engulfed with purple mist as we disappear from the scene.

Izuku's POV

'It's over, it's finally over . . .'

I put my two green neon daggers back in their slots on my pants and undo the shadow dome. I quickly walk over to dad unknowingly leaving a trail of blood and kneel down beside him.

'Breathing. . . but unconscious. . .'

I sigh and start to get up as I see some of my classmates and teachers come my way, but then, everything starts to get fuzzy, and I start to feel dizzy. I stop walking and look down at my arm, my other arm's hand resting on my head, rubbing my temple.

'My arm is broken, that I know, but the pace that I'm losing blood at is way to much, plus the other injuries that I got as well. How could I be so stupid. . . I should've treated my injury and stopped the bleeding. . .'

I look back up and see my teachers and classmates getting closer as everything becomes fuzzier. I soon start to sway back and forth in my spot as everything becomes much worse.

"Hee hee hee, I can't wait to see you. . ." He says to me in my head.

I clutch my temple with both hands as they start to run towards me, but before they can reach me, I start to fall and my vision is filled with black dots, coming in and out. Then, I'm falling into a pit of nothing. . .

'Oh no. . .'

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