Ch. 7: The U.A. Entrance Exams

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I don't really know when school starts, so I just made up a time, and they already took the written exam. Izuku got first since he is super smart.


No One's POV

Everyone has been working hard. Training and studying to hope to pass both of the exams in the top 20 and hope to get into the hero course by doing so. The teachers have been working hard to get the exams ready, both the written and physical part of the exam. And now, today was the day, the day that everyone was waiting for, the day of the UA entrance exam!

Izuku's POV

Beep beep beep . . .


I stop my alarm clock and take the blankets off of me. I sit up and look at my calendar.

'UA Exam day' It says.

'So, today's the day' I think to myself before getting out of bed and start getting ready.

I go take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and change into a dry-fit black sweatshirt, and black leggings. I proceed to go downstairs and meet my dads and we eat breakfast which is just cereal and milk. No one talks and we all just eat in silence, only the clanging of the dishes and utensils could be heard. About five minutes later, I finish and wash up my dishes before going back upstairs. I look at the clock, it reads 8:16 am. Since the entrance exam ceremony starts at 8:45 and you should be there a bit earlier, I decided to leave earlier. I went back downstairs, told my parents I was leaving early, and then left. I jogged for about 15 minutes before getting there. Once inside the school campus, I saw lots and lots of students. From tall to short, big to small, normal to weird, bright to dull, it was all there. I started to walk along the gray path in the center of big white pillar thingies when I heard an all-to-familiar voice scream my 'name'.

"DEKU???" The voice shouted.

I turn around only to be met by my ex-best friend, Kaachan, or Bakugou Katsuki.

"Hi Kaachan," I say in a monotone voice.

"D-deku, where were you and why are you here you damn nerd," Kaachan says back to me angrily and with a stutter obviously surprised with my change and my being here( by the way, after Izuku's mom died, he had to transfer schools so that it would be closer to the orphanage so Bakugou didn't know about Izuku's change, his quirk and that his mom died).

"Oh, I got transferred to another school and I'm here for the entrance exam for the hero course," I say back with no expression.

"What do you mean, for the hero course, you don't have a quirk," He said to me quite loudly which caused multiple of the other people to look in our direction.

"Oh, about that, I do have a quirk," I say to him, ignoring all of the stares we were getting from the others.

"Wha? What do you mean you have a quirk?" Kaachan says to me surprised.

"I mean I have a quirk. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and get ready for the entrance ceremony." I say before leaving him there, frozen in shock.

Bakugou's POV

"Just pray that you'll get a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof . . ."

It rang in my head, and oh how I had regretted it. Ever since that day, he never came back to school. Ever since that day, I would question myself, why? Why did I bully him? He was my best friend, and yet, I did it. Eventually, I told the old hag about it, and we decided to visit him, only to find him not there anymore. They moved out. He was gone. . .

Emotionless?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora