Ch. 3: Adoption

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Aizawa's POV

Recently, Zashi and I have been talking, and we've decided to adopt since ya know, we can't really have a baby. Anyways, we were on our way to the *********** orphanage to see if there were any kids that we liked and wanted to adopt. I was in my yellow sleeping bag in the back seat of our car attempting to sleep but it was basically impossible because the yellow cockatoo was driving fast and was singing with the radio, and when I say singing, I mean yelling. Pure screaming with the music.

I tried my best to sleep, but it was impossible, so I took out my phone and started to watch some cat videos to pass the time.

~At the Orphanage~

'Finally' I thought.

I stepped out of the car with Zashi and we made our way to the orphanage. When we walked in, we were greeted by a brown-haired lady, probably in her mid 30's wearing black shoes and a black dress. She said her name was Ms. Herth and she was the owner of this orphanage. She started explaining the process of adoption to us but I may or may not have fallen asleep, but I did it discreetly. Casually falling on the floor in my sleeping bag. So discreet that not one person would detect it.

Soon enough, Zashi woke me up and we followed the lady to the middle of the orphanage and saw multiple kids lining up with big smiles on their faces, except for one. A kid with messy green and black hair, and he was no doubt about it, faking his smile.

I poked Zashi and whispered in his ear "Hey Zashi, you see that green-haired kid, he's faking his smile and I feel like I've seen him somewhere".

"I know, same for me" he whispers back.

We both start greeting the kids, and they all look so happy, but I saw the green-haired kid leaving and going down the hall of the orphanage. I stood up and walked over to him, and put my hand on his shoulder. I could immediately feel him tense, and he turned around facing me. I looked in his eyes and saw nothing, just an endless void of nothing. No happiness, nor sadness, just. . .nothing.

"Hey, what's your name?" I question him.

He doesn't answer at first but then does. "M-Midoriya. . . Midoriya Izuku".

And then, I remember. He was the kid from a year ago, the murder, the quirk, the analysis books. It was him. I quickly get up and tell him to stay there and run to Zashi who was giving kids piggyback rides.

"Zashi, Zashi!"

"What is it, Shou?" He asks me to put the kid on his back down.

"I need to talk to you for a second," I say before pulling him to the corner of the orphanage.

"So, what did you need to tell me," he says to me while fixing his hair.

"You remember the greenish blackish-haired kid?" I ask.

"Yeah, he was not smiling properly" Zashi explains.

"Well, I think I know why. Do you remember that case we had a year ago, with the murderer and the house engulfed in shadows?" I ask him.

"Yeah" he responds.

I stay quiet and look at him with worried eyes. Soon enough, his face moves from happy to worried.

"It's that kid?!?" He whispers shouts.

"Yeah, and I think there's something wrong with him. When I looked at him, his eyes, his eyes showed no emotion, just green lifeless eyes"

"Well, what should we do?" Zashi asks me with a hint of worried.

"I, I think we should adopt him" I finally say.

No one's POV

Silence, just silence between the two heroes. Once Aizawa had said that Zashi was surprised, very. He could not move his mouth nor his body. He just stood there frozen.

"R-really?" Hizashi said not from shock and from being scared, but from the fact that Shou was willing to help someone that he didn't really know, nevertheless adopt him. "Sure" Hizashi continues with a smile.

"Ok" Aizawa responds with a yawn.

The two went back to the front desk and met with the woman again.

"Hello again, have you decided if you wanted to adopt anyone yet? If so, then who?" The owner said curiously.

"Actually, yes," the blond-haired man said proudly for some reason.

"Yeah, I'm, we would like to adopt the greenish blackish-haired kid," the sleeping man said.

Right when the owner heard that, she gasped, but then spoke with a stutter. "A-re you sure? I can assure you that there are better options".

"No, we would like to adopt him," the sleepy man said back to the lady.

"Your sure, correct, cause you can always go ba-" the lady started but was stopped.

"Look, we want to adopt him, okay?" Hizashi says back to the lady a teeny bit annoyed.

"Do you have something against us adopting him?" Aizawa questions the lady.

"Well, it's just that he has a villainous quirk and it would be best if he would stay here where we can keep him in check," she says to the two in front of her.

By now, the two were angry. Just what did these people do to him to keep him in check'?

"Look, we would like to adopt him and we would like to do it now," Aizawa says.

"Okay," the lady says sighing in defeat and taking out the forms before asking them to fill it. She then proceeds to get out of her seat and leaves to get the boy.

Izuku's POV

I was in the corner playing with the shadow dog I had just made. I can make creatures out of the shadows and tall to them as if another human being. The creatures will also act as what it was created as. For example, since it was a shadow dog, it acted like a dog.

I was playing with it when I started thinking about what had happened. The man that touched me was no doubt about it the pro hero Eraserhead who was accompanied by the pro hero President Mic. He looked at me as if he saw a ghost, maybe he remembered me. Not like I would care though.

I sigh and make the dog vanish when I hear footsteps coming my way. I stood up and emerged from the shadows to see Ms.Herth. She may seem nice and look innocent on the outside, but she is not. She is the devil, along with all the other kids. They always told me that I a freak, a villain in their eyes. . . but, what did I do that was considered villainous? I did nothing.

"Midoriya, come with me please," she says to me.

I proceed to follow her and we end up going to the adoption room(where they do the paperwork and stuff). When I walk in, I see the two heroes once again.

'Are they going to adopt me?' I think to myself. 'No, why would they. I'm a freak'.

"So, Midoriya, these too are you going to adopt you. Say hi." Ms. Herth says to me.

'WHAT?!?' I scream in my head.

"That's right little listener, we're going to adopt you," The blond hero says to me.

"Yup. Welcome to the family, problem child" The black-haired hero says to me with a slight smirk.

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