Ch. 4: Family

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P.S. Sorry if I got Present Mic's name wrong. 😅😅😅

Izuku's POV

'Heh? Once again, Heh?'

They are adopting me? In all honesty, I was a bit happy that I was going to be leaving this place and to be living with two of my favorite heroes, but, why would they adopt me? There were so many other kids, normal, but then there's me, the abnormal kid. So, why?

I stood there in silence, in utter shock, not moving an inch from my spot.

"Anyways," Ms. Herth said breaking the silence. "You can wait outside while we finish up the paperwork. Okay, Midoriya?".

"Okay," I say calmly.

I proceed to walk outside after she told me to and sat on the brown bench waiting for the three adults to finish.

~After the paperwork~

I was thinking about why they adopted me when I heard the door open. I was immediately snapped out of my thoughts and stood up to face the three adults.

"Ok, let's go home problem child," Eraserhead tells me. I quickly run to my room which is just the attic and took my clothes, my pictures, my hero gear, and notebooks, and my bag. I then proceeded to leave and met up with my new parents again.

"Ok, I'm ready to go," I say to them emotionlessly.

"Okay then, let's goooooo!" Present Mic says loudly.

I follow them to their black car and go in the back seat. Both of them are in the front, Present Mic driving, and Eraserhead putting a blanket over himself.

I put my stuff down and take out one notebook, pencil, and eraser, then, I start to make changes to my hero costume. My hero costume consists of a black hoodie that's fireproof and waterproof so that it keeps my body temperature. I have the black mechanical wings on my back which I programmed to abide by my will by using shadows as the main energy so that I could control it without the shadows disappearing when hit by the light. I have red sports shoes with an outline of light gray steel and good grip so I don't hurt myself, black pants with lots of pockets where I end up putting small knives and daggers in, black fingerless gloves, and a black capture weapon similar to Eraserhead's but on my arms.

~At the house~

I put away my notebook, pencil, and eraser back in my bag and take it out with me. I follow them to the front door and walk in and take off my shoes. I follow them to the living room and sit down on the brown leather couch.

"So, since you'll be living here, we're going to tell you the rules of the household, okay?" Eraserhead told me.

"Okay," I reply.

"Rule one is that you can't be out of the house past 11:00 pm. The second rule is that if you make a mess, you have to clean it up. Rule three is you have to always eat three meals a day to stay healthy, always finish your homework before 10:00 pm and be nice to the cat" Eraserhead says to me.

"Oh yeah, and before we continue, my name is Yamada Hizashi and this guy here is Aizawa Shouta," he says pointing to himself than to Eraserhe- Aizawa.

"Ok," I say.

They then proceed to give me a tour of the house, where I'm going to be staying, where I can train, and where the cat supplies are as well as where the cats are. Their house is decently big, and they have 1 cat whose name is Pawlson (from the video "Tiny!Zawa Shenanigans", you should watch it). Once done with the tour, they told me that I could decorate my room. I got some supplies and started to work.

Emotionless?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora