Ch. 16: The Sports Festival 1/3

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So, I know I haven't posted in a long while and I am really sorry. I had some work I needed to do, and if you checked my message board, you would've known. Plus, I've been procrastinating a lot. So, I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long, but, here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it!

P.S. I feel like I made a mistake somewhere (not grammar) and forgot what it was, so if you find it, or think you found it, please comment to let me know. Thank you! ( ̄□ ̄)


No One's POV

"That's why," the purple-haired boy said.

It was dead silent as if no one inhabited the world anymore, but, it got broken pretty soon.

"What the hell are you doing here?!?" Aizawa practically screamed. "You're still supposed to be in the hospital!" Aizawa practically yelled, again.

"Well, if I recall, you left the hospital early too, so I see no problem with doing the same," Izuku shot back at him, leaving his father to only stay silent as he knows what his son had said is true.

'I taught him well. . .' Aizawa thought to himself, smiling internally.

"Well anyways, the U.A. Sports Festival is drawing near, and no aspiring heroes can miss the event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your training!" Aizawa informs the class.

A couple of "yes sir's" are then followed soon after the statement.

~Timeskip~ After Class

As Uraraka opens the door, the whole class is greeted not by an empty hallway, but one full of other students.

"Ummm, why the heck are you all here?" Uraraka questions the large group of students.

"Do you have some sort of business with our class?" Iida adds on.

Soon, Bakugou starts to talk as he walks toward the group of students. "They're scouting out the competition, idiots. We're the class that survived a real villain attack" Bakugou stops as he stands in front of the students, "Now move it, extras!"

"You can't walk around, calling people extras just because you don't know who they are!" Iida shouts, waving his hand up and down.

Soon enough, the large group of students starts getting angry.

"Hey you, I'm from class 1B next door to you. We heard you fought some villains and I came to see if that was true, but you're just a bunch of brats who think you're better than us!" The silver-haired boy exclaimed.

'Crap, everyone hates our class now. . .' Uraraka thinks, worry on her mind.

"All you want, it'll just be more embarrassing when you're KO'd. . . DON'T YOU IGNORE ME!" The silver-haired boy continues.

As the commotion calms down just a little bit, Kirishima comes in and starts talking.

"Dude, where are you going? You gotta say something, it's your fault they're all hating on us Bakugou."

"These people don't matter," He starts.

"Huh?" Kirishima says confused.

"The only thing that's important is that I beat them. . ." Bakugou finishes as he walks through the group of students and starts to walk away.

"Hey, I'm coming for you!" The silver-haired boy yells back.

"Ugh, I hate that that was such a manly exit," Kirishima remarks, a small tear at the side of his right eye while clenching his fist.

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