I aim to please.

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"Mother?" She replied, "I thought I was a ghost with how your wife was gawking at me, no?"

"I'm so sorry, ma," said Jessica, "please come in, come in."

Miss Natasha sighed as she catwalked into the house, with her son and her daughter in law behind her. Miss Natasha walked into the living room and got comfortable on the couch.

"Ehm, mother?" Gillis called settling down with his wife opposite his mum, "what are you doing here?"

"Spending a vacation," she replied, "I mean, since my son would never come visit his mother then," she flipped her hair, "the mother will visit the son."

Gillis face palmed, "Mother, I told you I was busy."

She gasped dramatically, "When? In the calls you never returned or the text messages you read and ignored?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

Gillis sighed, "I'm sorry, I forgot."

"Yeah sure you did," she added with an eye roll.

The mother and son locked eyes with each other sending wordless messages to each other, making the atmosphere in the room tense.

Akwaaaaaarrrrd! Jessica thought to herself where she sat.

Breaking the silence she said, "Oh, where are my manners? Mummy, can I get you something to eat or drink or...?"

"I don't eat past 8pm," she stated.

"Oh okay," Jessica said, "Right, I almost forgot, your bags? Did you leave them outside?"

Miss Natasha looked from her daughter in law to her son and quizzed, "What? What are bags?"

Gillis sighed rubbing his hands on his face, "Jessica honey, mother doesn't do bags. She just travels with her passport and credit card and goes shopping for clothes wherever she lands."

"Oh wow," she chuckled nervously, "I didn't know that."

"Of course you don't," Miss Natasha said, "well, now that's settled may I be shown to the room where I'd be spending the night?"

"Oh sure, sure," Jessica said before leading her mother in law to the guest room.


"Honey are you sure you don't want me to stay? Look I can call the people from my team and tell'em something urgent came up and I'm sure they'd understand. Just say the word and I'll—"

"Gillis," she drawled out, "For the gazillionth time, I said I would be okay, honey."

"Jessica, I—"

She stretched up and kissed him, "I'll be fine, okay?"

He looked into her eyes searching for the slightest giveaway of fear but he couldn't find anything. Okay, maybe she wasn't scared but he was worried sick. Growing up, he didn't have any good memories with Miss Natasha so he didn't want to—

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