selfish | 00

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trauma - prologue

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[f/n] [l/n] was hanging on by a thread.

Konohagakure was no more. The only thing that littered the ground was the bodies of his fallen comrades.

And soon enough he would join them.

Why was he the last one? Sure they won, but at what cost? Everyone was dead. Everyone slaughtered in front of him as if their life meant nothing.

Nothing was left besides the barren land that was once his lively and peaceful village. The village that held everyone dear to him.


And it would take his rest of his students too.

"Shh Naruto, save your energy." His words caused a light chuckle to escape from the blond male, his once dull blue eyes finally lighting up with a familiar spark.

"T-thank you. For teaching u-us with K-kakashi sensei."

[y/n] pretended to not notice how the body in his arms grew colder with each passing second, "It was my honor."

Naruto chuckled once again despite the pain it brought to him, "Always the same, s-sensei."

The male began to shakily bring his hand up to [y/n] a grin no longer on his face as his blood coated handed touched the jonin.

"Naruto? What are you-"

"Live. T-that's all we ask."

[y/n]'s eyes widened in surprise at his student's words. 'We?'

A group of four huddled around each other, the war still going on, yet this was the only time they were able to meet without having to fight for their lives.

Silence settled around the group, the topic of dicussion was a big one for them to decide. Even Naruto, who was the optimistic one of the group, was silent for the first time.


Their heads snapped up to Kakashi who looked at his clenched hand with an undescribable emotion.

"We're saving [y/n], aren't we."

They all shared a look, nodding slowly as they seemed a little bit more relieved that they all came to the same conclusion.

Sakura opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but closed it soon after nothing came out.

Yet, Sasuke knew exactly what she wanted to say.

"You think it's selfish of us. To decide his life for him."

Sakura just nodded wordlessly, "[y/n]-sensei... he wouldn't want us to do this."

Throughout the years since they've known the [h/c] haired male, they came to the realization that the male was undoubtedly the most selfless person they've met.

And that was all they needed.

"It's not like we're sending him back in time... that would be too harsh." Naruto loved [y/n] and looked up to him as an older brother, as a role model.

Kakashi hummed in agreement, "We just don't know where that jutsu will take him."

Team 7 looked up at each other, their eyes meeting for the final time as an unspoken thought crossed through their minds.

'At least it'll be better than here.'

"W-we all agreed on it. So don't b-blame yourself s-sensei." Naruto finished the seal on [y/n], placing his palm to it as a bright light immited from it.

"Naruto stop it! You're gonna die!"

[y/n]'s words fell on deaf ears as the ninja just smiled, "It's okay s-sensei. Believe it."

Tears trickled down Naruto's face as he realized the jutsu was completed, "We love you sensei."

Right before the light got too bright, [y/n] saw the rest of Team 7 kneeling beside them. Sakura had tears running down her face as she smiled brightly, her hand waving goodbye as she looked happy for once.

Sasuke had crossed his arms and turned his head sideways yet still looked at [y/n] with a smile.

Kakashi was right between them, a fond look in his eyes as he patted [y/n]'s head.

Despite the wordless exchange, [y/n] knew what they wanted to convey, and he hated it.

"N-no you can't do this to me! You can't leave me!" [y/n] cried harshly for the first time in his life, the light getting brighter and brighter, "I was supposed to die with you. I was suppose to see you afterwards! That's all I wanted!"

Soon enough, Naruto joined them as well, the jutsu already in place, there was no need for him to stay.

"Thank you, [y/n]-sensei."

That was all he heard as his vision turned white until he faded to an unfamiliar scenery.

[y/n] ignored how he shrunk shorter and sunk to the ground, grief eating away at him.

'Don't leave me here alone, please.'

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐌𝐀. naruto x bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now