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trauma - chapter twenty eight

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[y/n] exhaled softly as he peered at the slightly rundown building. With vines wrapping around the corners and small cracks slowly making its way up, the [h/c] haired male would have never guessed that such a building would be used as an agency.

Although, in some way, it also made sense. A flashy building would fit the top hero agencies, not so much an underground hero one.

"[f/n] [l/n]?"

A small but strong voice brought [y/n]'s attention back to reality, the voice belonging to a person not much older than 60.

"That's me."

A nod came from the old man, nudging his head behind him as he motioned for [y/n] to follow him through the fogged doors. It didn't take much for the first year to follow after, ducking his head underneath the low door frame.

Once inside, the old man's voice let up slightly, his cloudy eyes glancing behind him as if he was making sure the male was still there. Besides them, the building looked almost deserted. Yet, because there seemed to be no dust collecting in the corners or dust bunnies flying around, one could only assume that it wasn't.

"You're a peculiar one, [l/n]."

The old man's sudden statement surprised [y/n]. However, the male held a stoic face, wondering what the elder meant.


"I can't hear you. Your footsteps, that is, there's no sound reaching my ears."

And true to his word, as they were walking, the only sound that was heard was the slight clacking of the old man's shoes against the tile floor. There was no indication of [y/n]'s presence within the room, not even a speck of dirt from the bottom of his shoe. If someone were presented just the sound produced from the two, they'd instantly make the assumption that only one person was present.

"A habit of mine, I guess you could say. "

Silence followed after them as they reached yet another door, the two coming to a slow stop.

Pivoting around smoothly, the old man looked up at [y/n] with his lips curled up slightly. The fogginess in his eyes not phasing [y/n] one bit as the elder spoke once more.

"Aizawa's disapproval of your arrival reached far, but from what I've seen, you've come to the right place. Isn't that right, Mr. Top Student?"

With a slight step backwards and the loud clicking of a door being unlocked, the old man pushed behind him softly as the door creaked open to reveal people upon people wandering around. The silence that was nearly deafening before was no longer heard as small buzzing came from the other side of the wall.

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