Chapter 12: New Life

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Mason carried Rin back to the apartment and into their bedroom. Whether he was Rin's boyfriend or not, Mason Dax was still the Strike Team's medic. He started to bandage the bad wounds, his burned arm and the cauterized wound in his leg. Rin's other injuries were very minor compared to that.

After around two hours, Rin was stable and conscious. Maybe a little dizzy, but conscious. Everyone was making sure that he was okay. Rin was laughing at something Mason said when Lucifer spoke up. "Can I speak with my brother, alone?"

Everyone nodded and left the room, Mason kissing Rin on the way out. Leaving the Demon King of Light and his little brother. "Rin." Lucifer moved to his bedside. "What you did today-"

"If you are going to tell me it was reckless then you can stop." Rin cut him off. "Yukio already told me that enough times back when I was still at the Academy."

"I wasn't going to say that." Lucifer sighed. "I may have made a mistake."

"What do you mean, Luci?" Rin furrowed his eyebrows.

"When I told you to destroy your sword and release your power. I may have... underestimated the amount of your power." Lucifer was being hesitant.

"Lucifer, what is it?"

"You unleashed a large amount of your power when you broke Kurikara. You became a full demon that day, now you have collected the missing pieces of that power from the leftover energy inside of the Gehenna Gate." Lucifer looked Rin dead in the eyes, "Not to mention this has all occurred outside of Gehenna and you have never been to my homeworld."

"So?" Rin was confused.

"Your power is that of Gehenna. If you do not go to Gehenna soon then your body may not be able to take it... You will get progressively sicker. I estimate eighteen months before you die from it."

Rin's eyes widened, he looked at the blanket, "And the only way I can prevent that is going to Gehenna?"

Lucifer nodded.

"Alright. Just... let me be the one to tell the team, that includes Shura."

Lucifer nodded again. "Okay."


In the following months everything seemed normal. Though, Rin wasn't able to turn back into his old self. His hair was always white with blue tips, he would have to hide his demon heart underneath his shirt, and he never smiled at strangers for them seeing his fangs. Though something much heavier always weighed on his mind.

The Strike Team were all still going to school, and their freshman year was coming to a close. The band Desiderium became a popular D-List name in the music world. Izumo continued to be a spy and Shura became somewhat of a caretaker to the young agents and demon.

Though of course, they were still a group of teenagers who fought demons, saved the world, and their leader was a son of Satan, himself. They worked for the Illuminati and Shield of the world and were familiar with murder.

That's just the nature of Strike Team: Thanatos.

The Knights of the True Cross were still looking for them. Shima may have sent in a tip about a Gehenna Gate, so the Vatican was on high alert. Their most wanted was still Rin Okumura and his little brother was worried about him. Not to mention one of their most powerful exorcists going missing without a trace.

That was until one day.

Yukio Okumura was walking towards his usual food stand for lunch when he felt his phone buzz. He looked down and saw that he was getting a phone call from a familiar number. "Shura?!? Where have you been?!"

"Look at your 3 o' clock." He looked up frantically and saw her sitting in a black camaro. "Get in. Let's have lunch together."

Yukio went over to the car and got in the passenger seat. Shura started to drive off of campus. Shura stopped at a small picnic area near a cliff that overlooked the True Cross forest, it was a very important place. She got out and sat at one of the tables and handed Yukio a bento box. "Where have you been?!"


"Shura! Where?! Director Pheles has been fuming over your disappearance." Yukio opened the bento and started eating.

"I've been with the Illuminati."

Yukio almost choked, "What?!" She stared at him and then realization donned the boy, "You've seen Rin."

"Yep. He's good, by the way. Great actually." Shura smiled, remembering how happy the demon was at their last concert.

"So why'd you want to talk?"

"Because. I just wanted to see you one last time before I leave for good." Shura said, "I know that... that you think your brother's a lost cause but- He's doing better than he was last you saw him. He joined the Strike Team knowing full well that you would be after him."

"Strike Team?!"

"It's a joint project, the Illuminati and-"

"Shield. Yeah, we figured that out." Yukio looked at the ground. Shura placed something on the table and then started to get up.

"That's from Rin. You can drive back to the school, I have to go." Shura started to walk away.

Yukio stood you fast, "What about the deal with Hachiro?"

"I'll think of something. Hopefully he can't follow me. Don't worry Four-Eyes." Shura smirked as a small jet landed in the picnic clearing and she entered.

Shura waved to the young Okumura as the door closed. Yukio stood by the table in shock. He looked down and saw that it was the car keys and a letter.

"Damn it, brother."


Dear Yukio,

I know. You probably think that I'm evil or something or that you messed up. No, Lucifer offered me a chance to actually be free. The Vatican wouldn't have let me be free as long as I lived. It was the only way. Plus, now I can control my flames, so that's cool, right? I know that you probably hate me now. Sorry for everything.



"I don't hate you brother. I could never."

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