Chapter 7: Gehenna's Gate

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"Something that could cause armageddon... A piece of the Gehenna Gate."

"Gehenna?" Daisuke asked through the comms, "What's Gehenna?"

Rin and Haruki both looked at each other, it seemed like they were the only ones who were well versed in the demonic world. Rin's mind was racing, "In simple terms... hell. A few months ago my grandfather used me as a power source for a giant gate... I thought it was completely destroyed."

"Guess not. Let's just make sure that the buyer doesn't leave with it." Erin said, keeping everyone on track and away from their fear. Rin shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"Let's go then." Rin, Haruki, and Mason all jumped down from the roof and walked into the storage unit, cutting off the exit. The buyer and sellers hadn't noticed them yet.

"You know... that technically belongs to me, right?" Rin said, hiding his face with his hood. The two parties turned towards the trio with guns drawn. "Well, it was my blood that created it, at least."

"Who the hell are you?" the seller asked, standing in front of the piece, his hands slightly shaking.

Rin smirked, "Oh, I'm just the son of Satan."

Rin's heart flared up, his hair turned stark white, and his white's glowed with a bright blue fury. Rin's flames traveled down his right arm and hardened into a sword. The nephilim shrugged off his hood and started at the group of weapon dealers.

Haruki unsheathed daggers that were strapped to her lower back, she joined Rin in the fight. Mason stayed back, he didn't have a weapon besides a spare scalpel that wouldn't do shit against the dealer's guns. Mason just stood there watching his two teammates fight while he stood there trying, and failing, to hide his fear.

'I read your file.'

'Dax! Get your head in the game!'


'It's an ambush!'

'Dylan, I'm not leaving you here!'

'We can't wait here we have to-'

'Mia! No!'

Thoughts of past trauma swirled in Mason's  vision. Instead of the storage unit he saw the warehouse, instead of Rin and Haruki, Mason saw Felix Murphy and Mia Duncan, with Dylan Campbell bleeding out and his feet. No, no, this isn't happening again. No, no, no STOP IT!

"Mason! Mason!" Rin yelled at him from the ground, as he was pinned to the cement ground. The blonde boy saw Haruki fighting two men at the back of the van. Mason saw one of the dealer's guns only two feet away from Rin.

I am not letting this happen again!

Mason ran towards Rin and the dealer, he grabbed the glock from the ground and shot the weapons dealer in the back three times without hesitation. Haruki removed her dagger from the last dealer and grabbed the piece of the Gehenna Gate, as Rin pushed the, now dead, body off of him.

Mason dropped the glock and looked at Rin with slight anger in his eyes. "You could have easily burnt that guy to a crisp! Why did you need my help?!"

"I knew you had potential." Rin smirked as he de-flamed. Mason walked closer to the half-demon.

"You son of a bit-" Mason was cut off by Rin kissing him. Rin pulled away staring into Mason's forest green eyes as the brit was entranced with the demons deep blue ones. "-ch."

"Would a bitch do that?"

Mason responded by kissing him and that was enough of an answer for Rin. Haruki watched with a small smile, in one hand the piece of Gehenna's Gate, the other raised to her ear. "Mission was a success... and Dai? You owe me 70 yen."

Haruki could hear her boyfriend laughing on the other end, along with a few snickers from Erin. "Bring the van around, I'm not carrying this thing two blocks."

Little did the trio know that someone was watching from the shadows. "The Blue Exorcist has shown himself. What are your orders?"

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