Part 3. Memories🔞

Start from the beginning

"Before you shot at us sir, we were trying to tell you that..."

"I don't want to talk to him" I say walking out the house to the car feeling as they follow behind me

"But sir, it's about your mother" I stop dead in my tracks with my hand on the cars door handle. Slowly turning around

"What about her?"

"Your father wanted to tell you"

"YOU FUCKING TELL ME. THAT'S AN ORDER!" he sighs. He looks at my dad from the tablet before looking back at me with a sad expression on his face. Turning the tablet around to face me, I see as my mom lays in a hospital bed with tubes down her throat with all her hair gone. She looks so skinny that you can see the outline of her skull on her face

"Her cancer caught up to her son" I hear my dad say, his face appearing on the screen

"So what? I don't care" I say some-what truthfully. I might hate her, but she is still my mother by the fault

"You do care. I can tell. I need you get on the jet that I'm sending to you so you can fly out here and see..."

"NO!" I yell at him "I don't want to see you or her" he stares at me as I stare at him back.

"It's like looking in the mirror at myself" he says with a smirk

"This is how you made me. To not have feelings just like you two"

"Your still mad at us son? Get over it. That was years ago" I furrow my eyebrows at him, shaking my head

"The things you made me do. I will never get over it" he starts to laugh but that gets cut short from my mom groaning out in pain.

"Son. Grow a pair and get your ass out here" I shake my head at him

"No" he then starts to smirk at me

"We used to be so close"

"We were never close..." I glare at him "I haven't spoken to you since..."

"My granddaughters funeral" He says cutting me off which makes me put my head down. I then shake my head looking back up at him

"Mom could rot in hell and I hope you end up there too"

"Don't leave yourself out. I'm sure we will both see you there too son" he smiles. I end the call on his face not wanting to talk to him anymore. Hopping in the car, I have my men rush me over to the hospital so I can go see somebody.


I walk through the doors over to the front desk. Getting confirmation by a nurse, I walk to the room, opening the door while my men wait for me outside. Walking inside closing the door behind me, I then turn around when I'm met face to face with -


For once in my life, I feel bad for my actions and I don't even know why. I hate that I feel this way and I wish these feeling went away but it's like Sung is making me feel again. I bother her in her uncle's shop from time to time. And every time I'm there, she always gives me attitude, but I like it. I love being around her and being in her presence even though she doesn't want me there

"Bess, I'm...I'm..." I sigh while sitting down next to him not being able to finish my sentence.
Looking at him made me hurt. Sung would tell me all the time that this man is all she has and I almost took that away from her. I almost made her fend on her own in this crazy world. And believe me, I know what it's like to lose everything at once

But the fact that it's been months now and he's still in this damn coma.

Every time I would see Sung starting to come around, kind of, a little bit, to a certain extent, she would come to the hospital to visit her uncle and go right back into being in her moods like she's on her damn period every - fucking - day

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