Chapter Twenty -Tutoring Fiasco

Start from the beginning


"Happy Birthday! Here's your present," I greeted and handed him the bag.

"For me?" I nodded. "Thank you very much. You didn't have to do that,"

"No, I wanted to give it to you," I said. "Plus, I kind of wanted to ask you a favour too."

"What is it then?" he asked.

"There's some parts of my homework that I don't quite understand," I muttered.


"Yes. Kana Nii-chan helped me a bit, but he has work to do so he told me that you would be a great help when it comes to this." I replied.

"Ah... I see..." he murmured.

"I-It's alright if you can't me at the moment, I can probably ask someone else if you are busy," I said.

"No, it's alright. You turned to me for help, and I will be happy to teach you." He smiled.

"Thank you, Onii-chan!" I chirped and he led me inside his room.

'Wow, his room is so organized... Hm? the TV is on'

"Nii-chan, were you trying to watch the TV? I'm sorry to have interrupted your leisure time," I said.

"Hm? Oh, don't mind that. I was just watching a movie earlier, and I must have left it on." he replied.

"Oh, okay."

'Man he looks so different with his hair down. He doesn't look too strict and without his glasses, I could clearly see his vibrant blue eyes. So handsome,'

"You can go sit by the desk, I will just heat up some tea." He said.

'Why the heck was I checking my brother out?! Don't be a creep, Lisa!'

"A-alright, you can use the tea that I bought for you. It is a Ceylon Tea," I said.

"C-Ceylon?" He gasped. "How were you able to get one? I've been meaning to buy myself one,"

"A friend gave me a sample one day and I liked it so I asked him where he bought it because I figured that your birthday is coming up and wanted to give it as a present," I replied. "I've also heard that it is best at strengthening the immune system and I figured that you would need it since you seem quite busy nowadays with your cases,"

"Well then, thank you very much for this gift. I appreciate the concern," He said.

"You're welcome," I replied and he went and heat up some tea for the both of us.

I sat by the desk and laid the notes on the table. I opened my notebook and tried to continue answering the problem I was doing a while back with Kana Nii-chan.

"I see that Kaname thought you something right," Nii-chan said as he placed the tea in front of me and sat beside me.

"Yeah, I was also surprised that Kana Nii-chan wasn't kidding with helping me with my homework," I added and took a sip of the tea.

"I, as well." He chuckled. "Now then which part are you having a hard time at?"

"This part," I pointed. He leaned closer and started teaching me the proper way of solving the problem.

'Wow, Nii-chan sure is great at teaching. I wonder if he even considered being a professor rather than a lawyer. Well, whatever his job is it suits him both.'

"Do you want to know the best technique you could use in this lesson?" he asked.

"Yes, please!" I begged.

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