"What do you want wena?" I shouted. It wasn't pretentious. I was angry and I was nervous. I was the epitome of anxiety and I just felt like stabbing the guy in the eye. "Don't call me." I yelled at the phone and then whispered to Khaya, "Hang up. This idiot doesn't know who he's dealing with." With a click of the tongue he hung up.

"You're going to be fine. I'll be back soon. He won't do anything. Besides, you have Baba on speed dial so you'll be fine." He kissed me one last time. "Pack your stuff so we can get going. I have to drop you off at Nkateko's and then catch my flight. So make it snappy." He said as he rolled his suitcases into the kitchen, leaving me there solving absolutely nothing.

I huffed. I puffed. And I blew some air out. A lot of air. I stood up from my bed and looked at my phone. No missed calls as of yet. I unlocked it and searched for Nkateko's name in messages. I decided to send her a text letting her know I'd be there in less than half an hour. Then after I put my phone on 'Do not disturb' mode.

I walked towards my side of the wardrobe and started throwing things out, not really paying attention to what I laid my hands on. I was frustrated. I was panicking. I let out an aggravating scream before punching the wardrobe doors. No pain and definitely no gain.

All I could see was his face. The sadistic smile when he forced my legs open. The twinkle in his eyes when I screamed louder. The adrenaline he got from forcing me down further into that disgusting mattress. His laugh echoing throughout the room together with my cries. When I couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

I woke up feeling broken, unworthy and dirty. I was nothing. He took whatever that was left of me. He crushed me. And when I think of that night I just mentally black out in rage and hit, smash and destroy anything in my way. Just like he did. He destroyed me. Stuck in my rage I punched something with utter force and a grunt sounded. I was then restrained and I just kept on screaming and trying to release myself from this grip.

"Calm down!" Khaya shouted in my ear and I just stopped. I returned back to 'almost' normal. He was restraining me from behind, hands strongly wrapped around my wrists. "Calm down." He tried again, but a little more relaxed this time.

I was heaving. I was still unsettled, but I wasn't hitting anything anymore. I tried turning around to face Khaya, but he was a little hesitant. He gave in when he realized I wasn't physically lashing out anymore. When I fully turned to look at him his nose was bleeding and his lip was busted and swollen. "Oh my goodness. What happened? Did I do that?" I was confused and I felt guilty. I didn't know I could give such a sucker punch, or two.

He gave a nod. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I was looking for clothes one second and then I blanked out the next. I didn't do it on purpose." I began crying because I just didn't know what to do anymore. I had reached a dead end.

"It's ok. Go have a glass of water and I'll finish packing up for you." He offered. He was the one physically hurt but he was worried about me. I just gave a nod and made my way out. I drank a glass of water and just leaned against the counter top. I was avoiding any kind of thought.

I don't know for how long I stood there, but when I was done daydreaming Khaya was done packing my bag and he was all cleaned up like I never KO'd him. "Oh, you're done." I managed to get out. "I'm sorry, again." I was barely audible even to myself.

"It's okay. Let's get going." He handed me my phone and my suitcase while he took a hold of his own and we made our way out the apartment. All the lights were switched off and it felt like I was leaving my soul there. Khaya locked up and we were on our way out the premises. We got into his car and just sat there in silence for a good five minutes. "You're going to be okay. We're going to be okay." He tried reassuring me and I tried believing him, but I didn't. I just nodded.

I took out my phone and texted Nkateko, letting her know that I was well on my way. She hadn't responded to my previous text, but I didn't think too much of it. She always did this.

The car ride was silent. The tension was galore. Or maybe it was stress. I just didn't know which it could be, but it was intense. We finally got to Nkateko's apartment premises. Khaya helped me with my stuff while I dialed Nkateko's number.

"Chom' yam'." She practically yelled. She sounded unusually happy, but it wasn't entirely a bad thing. "You've arrived?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm outside. Vula iGate lapho." (Open the gate.)

She whispered an 'alright' before hanging up. A few moments later the main gate opened and on the inside stood Nkateko with a wide smile. I turned to look at Khaya and he looked just as stressed as I was. I gave him a peck on the lips then a hug before whispering a 'goodbye'. He waved at Nkateko and I once I was inside the premises, before he got into his car and slowly drove away.

While I was longing for Khaya to return Nkateko engulfed me in a bone crushing hug. "And then? What's up with you? You seem too excited." I was getting worried. Naturally she was an energetic person, but now she was borderline ecstatic. Or maybe I was just not in the mood.

"Oh nothing. I just want you to meet my brother. You'll absolutely love him." She giggled while clapping her hands like Busi did every time I'd give her sweets. She then started blabbering about nothing and everything, most of which I wasn't listening to. We went into the reception area, right into the elevator all the way to the fifth floor, walked a few more meters before we got to her door. And she was still having a monologue.

She then took a hold of the handle and swung the door open, allowing me to walk in first. It was a small passageway that had an opening to the kitchen on the right. Further down on the left was the first bedroom where I'd usually sleep. Right after that was an opening on the left that led to the living room. Opposite the opening was a door that led to the bathroom. Then straight ahead, at the very end of the passageway was the main bedroom.

"Take your stuff to my room. We're sharing for the time being. I have a visitor." I just gave a nod and started walking. I heard her close the door and lock it behind her before following me. Before I could open the door to the main bedroom the bathroom door to my right opened.

Nothing could have prepared me for what I was seeing. Or rather who I was seeing.

"Ow s'thandwa. Were you missing me that much?" His voice being the only thing that ringed in my mind. It took over my senses in all the wrong ways.

Bafana was standing there looking at me like I was yet again a piece of delectable meat.

"You guys know each other?" Nkateko seemed more shocked than I was. But Lord knew I was on the verge of passing out.

Oh yes! Another one. I was waiting to publish this once the views got to 100. We aren't doing too bad for a new-ish book. The drama is making me nauseous. But do vote, comment & subscribe.
Much love, Ri.♥️

P.S. I didn't edit this chapter. :(

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