Loaded Gun Part 2

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Warning: This chapter contains non-consent sexual content that may be triggering. 

Loaded Gun Part 2

I looked away from the hole in the wall. 

What was I thinking? There was no way that my fat ass could fit through that hole, so I'd be stuck in the one position that I didn't want to be stuck in with a rapist behind me. 

With a stuttering heart, I recognized my defeat. I exhaled a shaky breath as the hand of misery and dread pressed down on my chest, crushing my ribcage. It hurt to know that I'd exhausted all my options of escape, and that there was nothing I could do to save myself from a fate that I personally considered to be worse than death.  

Begging, it is. 

"Please, don't do this to me," I began, stifling the surge of pride that threatened to silence me. I had no other choice but to grovel and plead. Hopefully, Kevin possessed a shred of humanity and the glimmer of a conscience, or this would all be for nothing. 

Kevin approached me until he was at grabbing distance. I pressed my back against the wall as if I meant to mold myself into it. He reached out a hand -the one not holding the gun- and I instinctively flinched. 

"Shhh," he shushed, smiling at me. "There's nothing to be afraid of." 

Deafening warning bells continued to sound in my head, but there was little I could do to stop him from touching my face. He caressed my cheek fondly with the back of his hand, one, twice, and then his hand turned and slowly ran down my face to my neck. 

Kevin continued, saying, "I'm not going to hurt you," And then he added, "If you behave." 

I was terrified, more than I'd ever been in my entire adult life. My uneventful life had not prepared me for this kind of humiliating situation. I was helpless and I absolutely hated it. I hated being so afraid of the gun he was wielding. I hated being so afraid of dying a senseless, miserable death far away from my home. 

Crippled by fear, I could only stand still as he had his way with me. 

He suddenly ripped my tie off me and then tossed it at the unconscious Micky, who didn't even stir. The other inmate had also grown equally still.  He then roughly opened my shirt to expose my bare chest, sending buttons flying this way and that. 

I began to shake, much to my dismay. 

Kevin's tongue darted out to lick his lips, as if I was a piece of steak and he the hungry lion. 

He ran a hand down my bare chest, beginning from my collarbone and ending at my navel, brushing a nipple along the way. 

I shuddered in uncontrollable disgust. 

He seemed to mistake it for pleasure and smirked. 

"You've got a nice body," he remarked appreciatively, taking a step closer until he was practically in my face. "Do you work out?" 

"Please, let me go."

"Be quiet. I'm trying to enjoy this; so don't ruin it." 

He pinched a nipple and I jumped, more startled than hurt. 

"Stop that! I told you to-" 

His fist drove into my stomach with the speed and strength of a jackhammer, instantly silencing me. Retching, my body started to double over of its own accord, but Kevin held me in place, keeping me from doing so. Tears flowed down my face freely as wave after wave of pain assailed me. For a second, my vision blurred, and not from the tears. The region where he'd struck me was on fire, the pain pulsating to the rest of my body. My head slumped against his chest. 

I was only good at feigning bravado, never pain.

"I told you to keep quiet." He leaned into my ear and whispered mildly, as if I were an unruly child and he was explaining why I'd been punished. In uncharacteristic gentleness, he wiped my tears from my face and shushed me the way a lover calmed their beloved. 

Kevin was a psychopath. Each one of his actions contracted the next, and he knew no remorse. No way was he normal. Unfortunately, I was his latest play-toy. 

An unmerciful hand fisted in my hair and pulled on it, forcing me to tilt my head upward and look at him throw blurred eyes. He kissed me, then. He shoved his tongue down my mouth in the most invasive and repulsive kiss I had ever experienced. Every fiber and cell in my body wanted me to struggle against him and push him away, but I was still reeling from his punch. 

His other hand enclosed around my neck in a silent threat: If you resist me, I'll choke you. 

This was a nightmare, and it was only just beginning. 

When he broke the kiss, I swallowed a deep breath and made a show of wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. At that moment, I would have killed for some peppermint gum, or even some rubbing alcohol to wash out my mouth. 

Kevin chuckled. "You'll be begging for it soon enough," he promised sinisterly. 

"N-Never," I hissed in a weak voice. 

He made quick work of undressing me. First, he forcefully removed my suit jack, followed by my ruined shirt, and then my pants. 

"Sit on the ground," he ordered. 


Angrily, his eyes flashed and I just knew that he was about to hit me again for questioning one of his 'orders'. 

I crumbled to the floor. Shame hung over me like a shroud. I was beyond pathetic. 

"What are you going to do to me?" My barely-audible voice shook from the terror that was eating at my insides. It felt like there was a ferocious beast clawing at my stomach walls and innards. More tears were brimming in my eyes, clouding my vision. 

He smiled. "Exactly what you think I will."  

Kevin seized my chin and titled my head so that I was looking up at him. Against my will, he stuck his thumb into my mouth and said, "Suck it." 

I didn't.

He reached for the gun he'd tucked into his pants. 

I started sucking on his thumb as if it were a pacifier. My cheeks colored crimson from the mortification and humiliation. 

"Now that's a good expression. You really are pretty for a guy. Just how I like 'em," he purred, grinning heartily. His other hand smoothed my ruffled hair almost lovingly. Almost. I knew that he had no love or mercy to give me. 

He plucked his thumb out of my mouth, much to my relief. But my relief was short-lived. 

His hand reached for his pant's zipper. 

My heart plummeted. 

He unzipped his pants and his cock sprung out of its confines and slapped my face. 

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