The Prison Going to Kindle!

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Hey guys! I've missed you all! I hope you haven't forgotten about The Prison just yet, because I've got what I personally consider to be exciting news -kinda hoping it is for you lol.  

This is a step that I've been wanting to do for a long, long time, and I finally found time to get it done -well, almost done. I'm taking The Prison Series to Amazon Kindle, starting with the first book! I've had many ask me to do this over the years, and I've frankly been nervous about doing so because Amazon Kindle really feels... global. There's no room for error when it comes to platforms like Kindle, so I wanted to make sure I got it right. Really right. So I finally got the manuscript edited and I'm currently in the process of designing a professional cover to represent the series. I need your help with this, and I'd truly appreciate it if you dropped some references for what YOU think the cover should look like. 

So sometimes in the next few weeks, I'll be publishing The Prison Book 1 on Kindle, however the old manuscript on Wattpad will stay! Stay tuned and please look forward to it! :)

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